The Raven

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   Natasha awoke some time later to the clanking of keys in the locked door. She sat up and scooted away from it so as not to be hit by its inward swing. She turned to face the person entering, still crouched on the floor. Her hair hung in tangled clumps that covered half her face and the look in her eyes was a mixture of anger and relief.

A tall, white-haired gentleman stepped into the room. His hair was a strange contrast to his smooth, youthful face and well-toned body. He wore a simple pair of black jeans and a white t-shirt. There were sturdy looking black boots on his feet. He was a striking figure and Natasha briefly forgot her predicament.

Just before the door swung shut behind the man, a bird flew in and zoomed past him. It landed on the bed near Natasha. For a moment she stared at it in horror. Then she screeched and dove across the room as far away from it as possible.

The man looked down at her and then back at the bird in amusement. "Well. That's an odd reaction!" He nodded toward the jet-black bird. "That stubborn creature has been fluttering up and down the hallway for god knows how long, trying to figure out a way to get into your room. He must have flown in an open window on one of the upper levels and then found his way down the stairwell."

She looked at him and then back at the bird in horror and fear. She was afraid to talk. It just hopped around on the cot looking at her, cocking its head from one side to the other. It only seemed curious, but she imagined it attacking her head and tangling in her hair. Her fear stemmed from the fact that it had happened to her. More than once. She seemed to have bad luck with birds. They liked to dive bomb her head out of nowhere for some reason.

"It's a raven," the man said.

She looked back at him and her face twisted into a scowl. "Who the fuck cares what it is? Who are you? Why have you brought me here?" Her voice was still hoarse from screaming.

After locking them both inside the room, he turned back to Natasha with a gentle smile. "My name is Anthony, Natasha. Believe it or not, I am a friend. You won't think so now but eventually you will come to accept me as one. I hope." He paused, but not long enough for her to cut in. "You are here because you possess a very special talent... an 'ability'." He glanced at the raven again as he spoke. "You have suppressed the good in you for so long and shoved it so far down that you don't even realize your power exists. It won't manifest until you become who you truly are and stop pretending. You have been poisoned. Altered and tainted almost beyond repair, but I believe you possess the strength of character to pull yourself up and out of it. If you do that, you'll find freedom."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Listen... Anthony? Is it? Listen Anthony... Why don't you take all that mumbo-jumbo you just spoke and, along with this disgusting bird, shove it up your ass! I want a phone call and an attorney. If you are a 'friend' like you say you are, you will treat me with fairness and justice according to the way the law sees it. When a person is accused of something they get to have proper representation. I want to call Harley. I want a lawyer. I want out of this stinking hole of a room! Now!"

She had begun to rise to her feet and was glaring at him in pure, unbridled hatred. She stood to her full height and looked down at him, trying to appear as imposing and threatening as possible.


Anthony returned her gaze without saying anything. He just studied her face. He wasn't the Oracle. He couldn't see inside her mind. He had dealt with other people like her, though, and he knew it wouldn't be impossible to break her free. It would be unpleasant at times, but it was certainly within the realm of his (and his team's) capabilities.

The bird had taken refuge in the bathroom on the sink. It perched there, preening its glossy, black feathers. It looked up every so often to eye Natasha up and down before returning to its preening.

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