Don't Mess with the Chief!

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   Macy was in awe. The dark man with angelic wings. The top floor of the old museum. Her amazing flight through the night sky. She still felt dreamy. Hazy. She still wasn't convinced she was awake. She stared around her with huge blue eyes and a slack jaw.

"Miss Macy?" Jerome's other-worldly voice broke through her haze. "There is someone here I'd like you to meet."

Macy's eyes darted around the vast room. She hadn't been aware of anyone else arriving. Out of the shadows stepped a woman. Macy smiled and stepped closer to her.

"Hello," she said, holding her hand out. When she got closer and the moonlight revealed the woman's face, she caught her breath. She was beautiful but.... it was her eyes. Macy felt drawn into her green eyes. They were like meadows.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Detective Grey." The woman spoke with a hint of a Jamaican accent and Macy was reminded of Tyrone.

"This is our Oracle, Tya," Jerome introduced. "Your partner has already met her."

"Yes. A very... strange man..." Tya nodded. "There is something different about him."

Macy nodded. "Oh, Jackson's unique, alright. He's a special guy."

"It's... more than that, Detective. Your partner is... well, I don't know what he is, but he's the first normal human that I haven't been able to... see."

"You mean like 'read' his mind?" Macy's eyes were wide with amazement. "C-can you read my mind?" She took a step back.

"I do not pry into the minds of others unless it is necessary. I see everything but there are things that I... choose not to look at."

"Wow. That must have taken some practice."

"Yes. Very much. It is overwhelming at first, for someone like me. Once the gift is unlocked, everything around you comes pouring through. I had to run away to a remote place outside of my home village. I had to stay there until I learned to filter it. It would have made me go insane otherwise."

"So, you are saying that Jackson's a blank to your third eye?"

"Yes. It was as though... as though there was something blocking me. I am also able to somewhat gain control over a person who looks me in the eye, directly. That did not work on him. He was completely unaffected by it. Fortunately it wasn't necessary. It did surprise me, though."

"Well. I think we'd better find out what's going on, then. He's in trouble."

"Yes. I am aware."

There was a commotion and two other people entered the huge room. Macy wasn't sure how they had arrived. It didn't seem like either of them used the door.

A sexy blonde approached the small group. She was twirling a rope and dressed in a cheerleader's outfit. She grinned and tugged a mask from her face, placing her hand on her hip. "Well, if it isn’t the chickie who'd like to arrest us all! I'm..."

"Knottalia Ripcord. I know," Macy interrupted her, holding a hand out to her. "I've heard of your skills, Miss Ripcord. That isn't your real name, is it honey? I'm Macy Grey."

Knottalia threw her head back and laughed. She took Macy's hand and shook it. Her's was warm and her grip firm. She seemed very much like a southern girl to Macy. She was probably legitimately from Texas. Macy felt grateful she had never had to face Knottalia while in her own Texas guise.

"No. It isn't my real name. You can actually just call me Nat. Short for Natalie. Nice to finally meet you, Detective!" Nat had warm, brown eyes the color of honey. It matched her golden blonde hair beautifully. She was a bit tomboy-ish Macy noticed, in spite of the sexy get-up.

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