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   Macy had dialed 911 and was doing her best to explain who she was and what her situation was, but the woman on the other line had already asked her twice where she was and why, if she were a cop, hadn't she called for backup. She was starting to get irritated. 

She started to go through it with the lady one more time, but something stopped her in mid-sentence. She strained her ears, listening. There were voices... shouting. The 911 lady asked her to continue. "Shhhh, just... be quiet!" Macy whispered impatiently. "Ohhh... I'll call you back. Just... trace my phone would you, honey?" She hung up and held still, trying to figure out what was going on out there.

She slowly moved forward and parted the shrubbery that was camouflaging her. She heard scuffling then "BANG!" Macy nearly jumped out of her skin. It was a gun shot. Who would they be...? Oh god, please don't let that be Jackson! Did he figure out where I was?

She scooted forward a bit more. "BANG, BANG!" 

She let out a small squeak, covering her ears and squeezing her eyes shut. Well, I have my gun. Maybe, if that's him, there's a better chance with both of us. If he is in trouble I can help him. She started to crawl from her hiding spot. She hadn't even fully emerged when something, or someone, suddenly dropped from the sky directly in front of her. She jumped and squeaked again. She was on her hands and knees staring at a pair of black boots. Her eyes moved up until she saw that there were, indeed, legs in the boots.

Macy continued to move her eyes up the legs. They widened as they passed the crotch area, then on up over a muscular chest, and finally landing on a face that was black as night and eyes that were golden. Macy stared into the eyes, frozen in shock. Then something toward the side caught her attention and her eyes moved sideways to take in the enormous, feathery, black wings.

She scrambled to her feet, shrinking back against the wall of the buildings she'd been hiding behind.

"Don't be scared, Miss. We're here to help you. Come. I will get you safely out of here. My friends are... well, entertaining your captors at the moment." His voice calmed her instantly.

"My word you are beautiful! You must be... The Falcon!" Macy's eyes were still wide, but she stepped forward toward him, reaching her hand out toward his wing. She stopped a few inches from it and looked up into his eyes unsure of herself at the last second.

The Falcon chuckled quietly, "Go ahead. You may touch my wing. I am not offended."

She smiled nervously and continued moving her hand forward. A soft breath escaped her when she brushed her hand down the green-tinted black feathers of his wing.

"They are... they are softer than my kitty cat, Max!" she breathed, completely in awe. She took a step back and put one hand on her hip. "You nearly gave me a heart attack. I thought you were the Angel of Death, or some such nonsense! Boy was I relieved when you started to speak, you know?"

"No, no. I'm not anyone that important, Miss. I'm no angel at all, much less the Angel of Death."

She looked beyond him, trying to see what was happening with her captors, but they were too far down the street for her to be able to see what was going on. She looked down at her phone and back up at him. She pulled Jackson's number back up and hit send.

"Umm... Miss?"

She turned and held up one finger, silencing him.


Jerome shook his head and rolled his eyes. He was trying to rescue a damsel in distress and she interrupts the process to make a phone call. Furthermore, she shushes him with a finger in order to make said phone call, making him wait patiently to finish rescuing her! What had heroism come to?

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