Father Time

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Steel-grey eyes snap open, bringing a tall figure into a state of consciousness that could only be described as "dream-like". Without looking around, he rises like a sleep-walker. He walks over to a small trap door in the ceiling and reaches up to pull it open. He feels around inside and finds what he needs immediately. With a tug, out tumbles a pile of black body armor, a mask, and a cape.

He dresses methodically. He understands his objective even if he doesn't know or care why. It feels like a dream. A dream he woke up in the middle of, without knowing what had brought him to that point. Unaware of who or what he is, his actions are carried out more from habit than of his own volition and free will.

His heart is cold, yet he knows in a faraway sense that what he is doing is necessary. He knows that, although he doesn't really feel anything, what he is doing is important to him. In another reality.

He leaves the dwelling and steals into the night. He comes to a parking garage and turns to enter. His footsteps fall silently on the cold concrete as he instinctively seeks out a vehicle. A black car with no markings that is protected by a security force-field.

Perfectly fitted wrist-bands made from some sort of metallic material that moves and flexes with his body are attached to his clothing. The same metallic material makes up the entire front and back that cover his torso from the neck to just below his thighs. It also covers his head except the face. The mask is made from a rubbery material that, while covering his face completely, somehow allows him to see perfectly. It also allows his skin to breathe. He is surprisingly cool in the get-up. He presses a small button on the inside of one of his wrists.

The button deactivates the force-field that protects the car and the driver's side door opens automatically. He climbs in. The interior is similar to a cockpit. It has buttons, dials, levers, and a computer screen that comes down from above. It blinks to life and he is greeted by a mechanical voice.

"Good evening, Father Time," says the robotic voice. "Where to this evening?"

His own voice comes out clear and strong, but it sounds to his ears like it belongs to a stranger.

"Upper East Side. Montecito Heights."

He feels familiar with the controls and mechanisms of the car even though he has no recollection of ever learning them. Although he doesn't consciously know the purpose of every gadget, he is confident that the information is readily available should the situation arise that he need to put any of them to use.

He reaches over and pulls one of the levers down as the car pulls silently from the parking garage. Like a mirage in the desert, the car vanishes from the naked eye. It is cloaked by a technology that most people have no idea exists.

He pulls some information up on the computer screen along with a photo. The photo is of someone he instinctively knows is dangerous. Someone he is going to kill. Someone who, if he were allowed to continue living, is capable of and already on his way toward destroying humanity.

The masked figure's purpose, although its origins are unknown, is very clear and he will succeed. If not this night, then another.

He will succeed because he has to. He knows that he will not stop until his objective has been completed. The only thing that can stop him is death. Since his own death is highly unlikely, it will most probably be that of his victim's.

A grim smile crosses his face. The night belongs to him. All nights belong to him. Electricity crackles in his eyes as energy surges through him. The car surges with it, seeming to feel and respond to his enthusiasm. He lives for the hunt. It is like a fire that courses through his veins. His mind has room for nothing else and no other thoughts surface. He speeds toward his destination, teeth bared in a righteous fury.

(Author's note: I know this was a short chapter, but I wanted to introduce Father Time abruptly and with the whole chapter being the introduction. More is comeing very soon! Please vote if you enjoy it.)

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