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   Before Macy had a chance to contemplate Jerome's strange behavior, a low building came into view. It was large, but close to the ground and it blended with its surroundings making it difficult to spot unless you were looking for it. There was a fence surrounding it that looked like it was most probably electrically charged. Or if it wasn't, it had the capability.

Jerome circled around. There wasn't anyone outside the building, so they landed lightly in a side yard. Macy pushed away from him and turned around to look him in the eyes. He was staring at the building as though searching for something. There was still a distant look in his gaze, although the glazed look had disappeared.

"Umm... are you going to tell me what's going on, sweetie?" Macy asked, her voice raising in pitch at the end.

His focus broke and he turned his head to look at her as though he just remembered she was there. He looked a little confused for a moment and then seemed to regain his usual composure.

"They're here," he said, quietly.

"They? You mean...?"

"Yes. Your partner and.... The Raven."

"Yes. Natasha." Macy looked at him, puzzled. She'd never heard him refer to Natasha as "The Raven" before. She took out her phone. "I'll signal the others."

He nodded and started to walk slowly, studying the building again. Macy called the others and let them know their approximate location. When she hung up, she followed him. She clasped her hands behind her back in a nonchalant gesture and cocked her head.

"So, Jerome. Would you care to fill me in? What happened? How did you know how to find this place?"

He stopped and looked down at her, thoughtfully. His golden eyes glowed with their own light. "I heard her call," he replied.

Macy's brows furrowed. "Who? Whose call?"

"The Raven's call. She has unlocked her ability. Her talent has made itself known."


Natasha followed Father Time's lead. On his signal, they emerged from the room, stepping out side by side. There were men thundering toward them from both directions, rifles in hand. Natasha looked up at him and he looked down at her. "Ready?"

She nodded and drew a deep breath. He held the rifles cocked and ready. They turned back to back and the birds came swarming from the room behind them at the sound of her whistling call. They were like one massive creature that split into two and headed toward the approaching men. As they engulfed the surprised guards, terrified and agonized screams could be heard as the birds began to tear and peck at their flesh.

Suddenly everything froze. The birds, the men, everything seemed to stand still. A strange quiet surrounded them. Natasha whirled and looked at him, her whistle falling silent.

"What happened?" she asked, more than a little spooked.

"Do not be alarmed," he said, his voice soothing. "You must learn how to use the birds to incapacitate without killing."

"Why? Those people would kill us if they reached us!"

"Because. It is no one's right to take the life of others. Unless they are incapable of redemption and those need to be left to me. That is my purpose, but it is not yours. Do you understand?"

She looked up at him and for the first time in her life she trusted someone. She felt no desire to question what he told her or to rebel against his authority. He was the first person she had ever met who she was positive had no ulterior motive. Who she knew was not trying to get something from her or trying to use her.

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