Running Away...

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Hayes's Pov:

After my mom bailed me out with a "Get out of Jail free card" She was mad at me and she brought me home. Kassie and me were all good.

We walk inside and everyone was gone. Mom had sent the boys home after she had gotten the call to come get me. She told me when we were in the car to go straight to my room because she grounded me for 2 weeks. But honestly I could still see Kassie.

Kassie's Pov:

When we got back to the house it was really late and I knew I was going to be hungover that following morning. So I just went to bed..... but I stop myself when I hear voices downstairs. I walk down the steps and sit down where nobody saw me.....


Chad's Pov:

"Elizabeth what are we going to do with Hayes and Nash, they are suppose to be on a flight to California for a photo shoot for the new winter line for AERO. And now that Hayes is grounded this doesn't help either."

She says "Well maybe you should of thought about not letting your son and the boys go get Kassie and this wouldn't of happened."

I was currently arguing with my wife about the kids and all. Honestly I love Kassie and the boys plus Sky to death but now that Kassie lives with us Hayes can't focus anymore.

I say "My fault?! How is it my fault? Your the one that told her mother that she could live with us, not me. So who's here to blame? We wouldn't of had to have bailed our son out of jail if Kassie never would of moved in with us in the first place!!"

She says "Chad that is not nice to say. Kassie is a special girl and she loves this family very much. Don't you see that?"

I say "How can I when she is like never home, You know Hayes can't even practice right anymore. He doesn't focus like he did and he is always watching the girls."

She says "Well honey he has a girlfriend now. Which he wants to spend time with, you were the same way."

I say "Hell no I wasn't. Honestly if we could send Kassie back to California or even locate where any of her family lives, she would be on the next flight there. She is only making our lives more crazier then they already are!"

Kassie's Pov:

When I heard Chad say that I was crying.... Fine if he wanted me gone.... I will go....

I walk upstairs and throw on my Hollister ripped skinny jeans, and my oversized mint green sweater. I grab my black VANS and put them on. Honestly if they wanted me out of their lives so bad then I will.

I grab my bag and pack some things I would need. I take my cheer bag and lay out everything. I grab Hayes's jersey and I lay it on my bed. I finish throwing everything in my bag and I let my hair flow naturally. I slide my phone in my pocket and shut the lights off. I look downstairs and they were in bed.

I call a cab and they are on their way. I set my things down and I walk into Hayes's room. He was asleep. I walk over to his bed and just look at him. I was going to miss him so much. Words couldn't describe how hard this is for me to let him go just to make other people happy.

I run my hand through his hair.... I kiss his cheek for one last time and I lay the jersey on the night stand.

I walk out and get in the cab. I tell him "North Carolina Airport please" I call my brother.... I was going to live with him and his crazy girl that he calls his wife I guess.

"Kassie?? What's wrong?" -Austin

"Can I come live with you guys?" -Me

"Um.. We are actually in Texas right now.... can you get a flight here over night?'- Austin

"Yeah, I got money for a ticket. Where at in Texas?" -Me

"Dallas. Call me when you land. Love you. See you soon sis." -Austin

The cab pulls up to the airport.... here goes nothing. I grab my things and walk in. I go and get a ticket for the next flight to Dallas.... which was in the morning.... looks like I am sleeping here tonight.

Hayes's Pov:

It was like 7 in the morning. I decided to wake up and see what's going on. I sit up and see a note on my side table with my jersey.....

I am so sorry to do this to you.... but we need to break up. I think it's for the better to just be friends. I will always remember you and your family. You guys made me laugh and enjoy life. I will never forget what happened last night when you told me you loved me... but Hayes I can't stay here anymore. I am sorry but this is goodbye... forever.... I love you Hayes Grier, and I will miss what we had... Our small infinity... I will miss your smile, your laugh, your eyes, and see you score touchdowns on Friday nights. Good Bye..... Love, Kassie Xx

I sit up and sit on the side of my bed. I grab the jersey and it smelled like her perfume. I walk into her room and everything was gone. I run downstairs and yell for my mom. I was in tears. I can't loose her

Not again. I go to my mom and say "She's gone." She says "Sweetie what you mean? Who?" I sniff and stutter my words... " Ka- Kass- Sh- She's gone!"

Her eyes got big and she says "What do you mean?!" I hand her he note and she says "Alright go get your brother and Sky, I will get your dad. We will find her Hayes. I promise you we will."

I nod and go throw a shirt on and get Nash and Sky. We run down the stairs and all pile in the car.

I was blowing up her phone.... But nothing.

I called her... nothing....

I called Dani..... nothing

I call Cameron.... Nothing...

Nobody knew where she was and I was going to go insane! I needed her so bad righ now!!

Kassie's Pov:

I had just landed in Dallas and boy was it nice to be on the ground. I turn my phone on after I grab my bags.

It starts blowing up.... oh shit....





**Alright everyone, sorry I didn't update last night I was with my friend... But I hope you enjoy! I hope everyone has a good day back at school tomorrow and happy MLK day!! Love you always! Xx**

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