First Kiss....

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Kassie's Pov:

It was finally study hall and I was sitting next to Cameron, Danielle, Hayes, and the rest of the gang. They were talking about what happened this morning and also about the game tonight. Hayes was sitting next to me with his hand on my leg holding our hands together.

Danielle was on the other side of me holding Cameron's the same way. We were in a circle so the teacher couldn't see us using "PDA" so they called it. But it's whatever. Hayes was talking to Cameron and I was just sitting there messing with my hair. I had straightened it this morning.

He looks at me with concern. He whispers in my ear so nobody could hear it. He says "Babe are you okay?" I look at him and nod. We only had a few minutes left of school. So the teachers says "Class will you please put the seats back to where they were, we only have a few minutes left."

I go to stand up and am struck with pain in my hip. I fall back to my seat. Hayes catches me. He says "Kassie what's wrong??" He lays me down on the ground with my head in his lap. I say "Hayes, my hip hurts really bad... I don't know if I can cheer tonight? But I have too."

He asks Cameron to go get the teacher and tells Danielle to go get my stuff out of my locker. He had text Nash to leave early.... I don't know where he was taking me but it better not be the Hospital....

Hayes's Pov:

I had asked them to do all those things because I was taking her home to ice this bitch. My baby girl was going to cheer tonight even if it isn't the best idea. Maybe they won't be able to lift her if that is needed. Anything to get her to be able to go to Homecoming with me.

Finally when Cameron convinced the teacher to let us all go we left and I carried her to Nash's car which was pulled up in front. I was carrying her cheer bag, her book bag, her purse, and my book bag. It wasn't easy.

Thankfully Danielle carried her purse so it wouldn't look weird.


Kassie's Pov:

When we get home Hayes had carried me up to my room. He laid me down and took my cheer shoes off. He says "Kass, you know how earlier this week the guys came over while you were still at Cheer?"

I nod my head and Elizabeth walks in with ice and pillow. She says "Here you go sweet heart. 20 minutes on then 20 off." She walks out and closes the door.

Hayes says "Well.... they have figured the dates and places for us in December and January.. The farthest we will be apart is California.. I am really sorry Kassie... but I know I shouldn't show you this but here's he schedule..."

26MGMT Tour 2015-2016-
December 19-21
        North Carolina
December 26-27
January 2-6
January 9-11
January 16-18
        New York
January 23-25
        North Carolina

I look at the schedule and am shocked. He willl be home through out the week but not the weekends.. This is going to suck, but he will be home for Christmas and New Years.... But I don't know about my birthday...

I look at him and go to sit up but he stops me. He says "Don't move please, I want you to cheer tonight. But I can see if you can go to some of them? Only if you want too?"

I look at him then at the phone. I say "That would be nice... but you won't be here for our 4 months...."

He looks at the calender and says "Baby I will try my best to be. I promise, but this is what I do. I entertain. I hope your okay with that?" I nod and say "Yeah it's okay. You better go get ready, first game tonight."

He kisses my forehead and shuts my door. I have no clue what I was going to do now that I know that Hayes is going to be gone practically the whole Christmas break.

2 hours later....

Kassie's Pov:

I had to start getting ready for the game so I had Hannah come over to help me and see if I could still do some things.

She also helped me do my hair and makeup. Tonight we were going with really really tight curls, and a bump in the front. Our makeup was kind of easy but it has a lot of eye shadow. So I just had Hannah do it.

30 minutes later...

When she was done with my hair and makeup I look in the mirror. She then puts my bow in and helps me put the uniform on. We had to show up with the jersey tucked into our skirts, with our team jackets and team pants on over that. It was difficult.

But our team apparel was pretty nice. It made us look good not girly. Hannah had put some makeup on my hip just in case I flip and the Jersey comes un-tucked. Plus in case the girls were talking about it and coach wanted to see.

Hannah says "How do you feel?" I say "It feels better now that it is iced and stuff. Let's go, going to be late." She smiles and I grab my bag. I shut the lights off and head downstairs.

Hayes's Pov:

I was already at the field and trust me tonight was going to be big. Coach was making me listen to music so I can focus and get in the zone so he says? But I was listening to music and texting my girl....

Hey when you coming to the field?

We just pulled up but we got to put signs and stuff up. But I want to wish you good luck too.. Can we meet somewhere?

Most likely, but it will have to be quick. Just meet me by the bathrooms in 10 minutes. See you soon beautiful.

Kassie's Pov:

I wanted to see him before he had to go warm up. We had also just got to the field. Coach had to give us our pom poms tonight too. I get there and walk to the girls. They were talking about this morning still.

I walk up to them before coach got here. I said "Okay ladies, whatever happened this morning in History that you have heard of isn't true. Don't tell coach or we can't stunt tonight. She will want to know and I want to fly tonight, and someone else kind of wants me too fly also... so we will talk about this another time, got it?!" They all nod and I managed to sneak off.

I was walking towards the bathrooms. I still had my warm ups on. But I was okay. I see him standing there in his under shirt and his football pants. Man he looked good in them..

I walk up and he says "There you are?" I smile and say "Yeah here I am."

He was a lot taller then me with his cleats on. I didn't like it. I like had to look up towards him a lot. I normally managed to make eye contact with him. He says "So how you feel?" I was messing with my zipper and say "Better, I think I am going to fly tonight."

He says "That is awesome!! Hey can you turn for me?" I turn around, he  says "Babe I love your hair! But I don't like all this makeup on you, your perfect with out it." I smile and say "Well coach says this amount. But hey you got to get back. When can I see you again?"

He lifts me up carefully and says "After the game. If I score a touchdown by Nash's help or one of the other guys I will point to you. Promise." I smile and Hayes looks at me and then my lips.

He leans in and we kiss for the first time. I say "Sounds good, now go get your team pumped up." He smiles and turns and says "Oh I will, can't wait to see you cheering for me and seeing you on top tonight."

I smile and start walking which I knew he was looking at my ass. But tonight was going to be awesome in so many ways. I couldn't wait to see him tonight.

I walk over to the girls and Coach wasn't there yet. I say "Sorry girls, but not a word. Let's get these signs up now!!" They all cheer.

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