"Cherish her brother..."

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**Can I just say Thank you guys so much!!!! We got my story to 1K already!! That means so much to me!! Thank you all so much! Now.... Hayes and Kassie.... Enjoy!**


Kassie's Pov:

Once we got home Elizabeth had told me to take Sky inside and get her ready for bed. She wold get the boys to carry in all the bags and stuff. I carry little Sky in to her room.

I go to her closet and she was half awake. She says "I want my Elsa pj's" I say "Okay, sh.... go back to sleep Sky."

She wraps her arms around my neck and I grab her pj's. I grab her brush and lay her on the bed. I take her cute little bright pink UGGs off of her small feet alond with her socks. I slip her small leggings off of her little legs, along with her skirt. Lastly I change her out of her bright pink shirt along with the black scarf she borrowed from me.

I take her hair bow out and brush her hair. She was cold and I knew it. I quickly put her pj's on her and lift her up to lay her in bed. She rolls over and I kiss her forehead. I turn her night light on and kiss her forehead. I say "Love you Sky!" She says faintly "Love you Kass...."

Then she was out. I shut the door a little and go to my room. I grab my new pj's I got at VS. I had gotten a royal blue PINK hoodie, and some cute plaid short shorts and some fuzzy baby blue slippers.

I throw all that on and go to the bathroom. I put the things that were out away and I brush my hair and put it in a loose side ponytail. I clean my ears and take my jewlery out except for my piercings.

I put some deodorant on and a little perfume. What I am going to be around boys, I don't want to stink?

I grab my phone and charger. I shut the door and check on sky. She was good. I go down he stairs to see the boys putting things away. I see Hayes and walk over to him. He smiles and says "Hey beautiful, how was dinner?"

I smile and kiss his cheek. I say "It was fun, especially with Sky, she is asleep." He smiles and kisses my forehead and says "That's normal for her. But I am glad you had fun. I see you guys got a lot of things... Oh... I think these are yours...." He hands me the big box of tampons.... and the small thing of pantie liners. All the guys look at me and are smirking....

Just great they all saw them. I take the box and liners. I look at Hayes and say "Thank you honey. I will be right back..." I casually walk away with as much pride as I think I had left.

I go upstairs and of course change my tampon (Not trying to be gross or anything)

Hayes's Pov:

When she got home I was glad because I needed to talk to her.. but I didn't want to do it in front of the guys.... so when she went up to her room I followed her.

I saw her door was shut. I knock and she answers. She says "Hey babe, I was just heading back down to see you. What's up?" I move her back into her room and shut the door. She sits on her bed and says "Baby what's going on?"

I sigh and say "Babe, are you taking illegal drugs?" She looks at me and I knew I was wrong. She was mad. She says "Why the hell would you think that?!" I say "Babe when you left I kind of went through some of your things..."

She stands up and says "WHAT THE HELL!!! Why were you in my STUFF!!!" I step back and try to comfort her and calm her down but that didn't work very well. She pulls her arm away and says "NO Hayes why were you in my stuff!"

I say "Babe, I saw you take something the other morning and I wanted to know what it was?" She stands up and goes to the drawer. She picks the box up and says "THESE ARE MY BIRTH CONTROL PILLS AND MY ADHD PILLS!!! Why would you think something like that!!"

I sigh and say "I was just wondering I am sorry babe... let's go downstairs." She says "NO I am going to spend the night with Danielle. Get out of my room! NOW!"

I start to talk but she pushes me out of her room... I really fucked up now.

Kassie's Pov:

WHAT THE HELL WAS HE THINKING!!!! I am so pissed right now. I call Danielle to come get me....

D-Hey girl, what's up?

K- Can you come get me. I need to get my mind off of things, Hayes and me had a fight. Can you get me?

D-Hell yeah girlfriend. I am in a fight with Cameron this morning, so I could take my mind off of things too. I will be by in 5.

K-Thanks so much.

I grab my bad and throw some clothes in their. A couple tampons and my meds. I grab my makeup and shit. I throw my charger in their too. I finally grab my UGGs and purse. I throw those on and grab my phone and shut my door.

Hayes was outside of it. I ignore him. I run down the stairs and out the front door. Hayes was trying to talk to me the whole way down. He also tried to stop me. I just said "LET GO!!" He let's go and I slam the front door.

Danielle was their waiting. I get in the passenger seat and she says "You up for getting drunk?" I look at her and say "Never have, where at?" She says "A friends house, you in?" I see my phone ringing like crazy, I look at my screen and it was Hayes and me. He had me on his back. It was his football pictures.

I look at it one more time and shut my phone off. I look at Danielle and say "Where too?" She smiles and says "That's my girl."


Hayes's Pov:

It was almost midnight and the guys were still up. I had been calling her for hours and texting her. I had sent her a message like every hour. She would have like 100 text messages and 200 missed calls.

I didn't know where she was going but I needed to get my mind off of things. I walk over to Cameron and say "Where's Danielle?" He says "Oh me and her are in a fight, that is part of the reason why we are all here. They are helping me not think about her. Now that you mention her, I should prob text her..."

He sends her a text and says "Bro where is your girl?" I look at my phone and the screen savor. It was her laughing and me kissing her cheek. I start to feel tears coming to my eyes. I say "Were in a fight. Bro I don't know how you do it?"

Cameron puts one hand on my shoulder and says "I am sorry to hear that little bro, you just got to give them the space, she will come back. If she loves you she will come back, but if there is someone else and you love her... you would set her free. But Hayes, I don't think there is anyone else. Kassie seems pretty loyal."

I sniff and wipe the tear away, I say "Thanks bro, she is something else isn't she..?" He smiles and says "What you two have, is special. So cherish it brother. Cherish it and don't ever let her go. She is special and there is nobody else like Miss Kassie May.... I can tell you that. Just like with my Danielle.... Nobody else like her.. Cherish these girls with your life, trust me. I have been through it."

I smile and start thinking about her laughing and her smile.... her beautiful eyes, her face, her perfect voice, her personality, and her figure. She was perfect.....

She was... so.... damn.... Fucking Perfect, and I feel like I fucked it up....






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