"He's playing my game... not his.."

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Monday Morning...

Kassie's Pov:

I am woken up by my door being banged on.... it was Hayes. I open my eyes and smile. He was holding my hands and was on my bed side. He says "Good morning my beautiful baby girl... it's time to get up beautiful." I smile and roll over towards him. He kisses me and says "What are you going to wear today?"

I smile and sit up and say "Probably a flannel or something I don't know yet... but let me get up and go eat babe please?" He smiles and goes to pick me up and I sit up and look into his eyes.

Hayes lifts me out of bed and carries me to the bathroom so I could shower.

I say "Babe can you get me something to eat so I can get in the shower. Please?" Hayes stands up and we were eye to eye... He kisses me and says "I'll be right back."

He walks out and I go and get in the shower.

Hayes's Pov:

When I woke her up and I saw her pretty brown eyes I was so happy, and glad to know that my girl was back where she belonged. I walk downstairs and see my mom and dad. My dad says "Hayes... this weekend we have to go to New York..... Just Nash, Carter, Cameron, and you.... Plus me."

I look at him and was shocked.... This weekend  was planning on taking Kassie out for dinner, it was our month already. (Bare with me guys okay!)

I say "Dad, I was going to spend the weekend with Kassie? What about Football?" He says "We willl leave right after the game. We will land in NYC in the morning, and will be gone for the following week. I have already talked to your guys teachers and they have assigned the homework which you will get today. They expect it to be completed by next Friday when you guys return..."

This was all new to me and it was breaking me apart... how was I going to tell her.... My dad speaks up and says "Hayes... not next week but the week after... is Homecoming.... and Saturday night you guys have to leave at midnight to go do a photo shoot for AERO in California.... You guys will be back that Tuesday."

I was pissed I had completely forgot about Homecoming and I haven't asked her yet... but I don't think I will be able to go... I can't tell her all of this now... it will tear her apart... and none of us will be here when she does find out.. Danielle normally goes to stay with Cameron's parents when we leave so she keeps them company and they do the same.

But it was just her... I think... Wait!! The guys!! I forgot!! I could call Matt, Taylor, the Jack's, and Shawn to come stay! I know they will keep her company... but I turned around and walked upstairs and acted like nothing was happening or did happen.

Kassie's Pov:

I get out of the shower which burned my arms and all that. I look in the mirror and see the scars, bruises, cuts, and hickeys... I go and got dressed. I was going to try and hide these up as much as I can.

I walk to my closet and grab my hollister super skinny jeans, my riding boots, and my white kind of see threw shirt but not fully, and my black and white cardigan.

I get my jeans, and my shirt on. I hear a knock and it was Hayes. He peeks his head in and says "Hey beautiful. How you feel?"

I smile and take the banana from him and glass of water. I sit and eat while I was waiting so I could continue getting ready. He wraps his arms around me and says "Babe, let me see your arms..." I look at him when I was done eating..

I show him... He looks at them and sighs. I look at him and say "Babe, what's wrong?" He says "Nothing, I am fine. I will let you get ready for school. Also don't forget you have cheer tonight."

He stands up and walks out. Something was up and I didn't know what it was. Whatever though. I go and do my hair. Today I was curled it and they were adorable. I do my makeup and this time I did a winged Eyeliner look and I was surprised how it turned out.

Once my makeup was done. I put the cardigan on and see where I needed to apply makeup. And there was a lot of spots...

20 minutes later...

I covered everyone up. Elizabeth had actually called all my teachers and told them I had hurt myself in a crash and my cheer coach so I was only going to be able to watch practice for the week and not participate in the game Friday either... Meaning we couldn't stunt.

I grab my fringe black purse and throw all my pain killers in there. I take my meds. Put touch up makeup in my purse, hair ties, and my charger. I spray perfume and all that and put my jewelry on and shut the lights off and walk downstairs. I was planning on trying to give the cold shoulder to Hayes, because he was hiding something.

I go downstairs and Elizabeth hands me a new phone because Keaton took my other one. This was the 3rd phone they had gotten for me in less than a month. I see Nash and we head to the car.

At school....

I walk in and Hayes had his arm around my back but giving me space. He puts my combo on my hand and I open my locker and a bunch of notes fall out.

I pick one up and everyone's eyes were on me....

You may have fooled me once but not again. Yes I am behind bars, and I know that you told. Next time I see you will be the last person you will ever see in your life. That's right sweetheart. See you on you 18th birthday. Daddy is coming for you! -Keaton-

I gasp when I see the signature..... I drop my things and gasp. Hayes runs over and says "Babe what is it?!" I look at the ground and see the notes and they had "LIAR, WHORE, EASY, MINE, and BABY GIRL" Written on them and that one note was on top...

Hayes picks them all up and folds them and sticks them in my purse in a pocket so I wouldn't see them. I was tearing up and leaned against the locker and slid down it and sat with my head in my knees.

He knew what I did and he was going to kill me..... I was going to be the girl that got killed at age 18 after she finished High School. Wasn't going to be able to marry someone, no children, no college plans, and a whole lot more...

Hayes says "Baby, I am not going to let this happen to you. Okay?" I nod and he wipes the tears off my cheeks. He says "Now I got to go to the office, Cameron and the boys just walked in. Look it's Dani!" She runs over to me and hugs me. She says "Your back!" I smile and Hayes kisses my head and walks to the office with the boys. Danielle kept me company and she told me all about her weekend with Cameron.

Apparently they did the dirty! Danielle and Cameron!! Wow! But it was good to have my best friend right here with me again. Honestly if Keaton was going to keep scaring me like that go ahead. I can play your game while your locked up. But while I am out here in the world...

I might as well enjoy it. Yes, I was going to live my life as much as I could, even thoughin 4 years it would be over with.

Honestly, Keaton has to have a better plan then this if he was going to kill me....

Because he is playing my game.

**SOOOOOO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED GUYS!!!!!!!! I feel terrible, but guys this chapter sucked! Sorry, but school has got me wrapped up and only having 2 days off kind of sucks too!! Anyway hope you enjoyed don't know when I will update again. Love you all Xx**

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