"What kind of Drugs is she on?"

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Kassie's Pov:

When I get dropped off at the mall I go inside and decided to get Starbucks. I walk up to the lady and tell her "Hello, can I have a Grande 16oz Iced Caramel Macchiato with 2% milk" She says "That will be $6.50 and Name?" I hand her the money and say "Kassie with a K"

She hands me change and I take a seat till they were done with my drink. Few minutes later I hear "Grande Iced Caramel Macchiato for Kassie" I walk over and say "Thank you!" He hands me a sleeve and a straw.

I walk off to the store I was going to visit....

3 Hours later...

It was around 3:00, and I was so tired. I had managed to go to Aero, Hollister, Aerie, Charlotte Russe, Victoria Secret, Ulta, Vans, Wet seal, and I had also gotten my Cartilage, and triples done. It hurt like hell but I wanted them done.

So now my ears are full of piercings... I don't know how Hayes will like it... But they are cute to me and that is all that matters.

But if you add all the piercings up on my body I have 8 together in my ears, and then my belly button. I had already sent Elizabeth a text to come get my and I was headed that way.

But I got some good stuff. I walk out the doors and it was cold, I see her car and get in it and before we know it we were home. In the car I had told her about my ears, she was shocked but told me to take care of them. Which every mom would say that.

But she didn't know about my belly button which I had gotten done before my mom and dad left. I walk in and the boys are upstairs. I walk up and hear them in the boys room. I set my things down on my bed and walk over to the door. I knock and Hayes opens it.

He says "BABE!!! Your home earlier then you said. You better now?" I smile and nod, but I had bad cramps. He goes to pick me up but I stop him. I say "Babe please don't my stomach hurts really bad right now." He does his sad face and he decides to just kiss me.

He had his hand on my cheek and went to put my hair behind my ear when I say "Ouch!!!" I had taken my beanie off awhile ago. He says "Babe what was that?" I say "Nothing..." He pulls me into the room and he makes me sit down.

He had Cameron and Nash pin me down.... He lifts up my hair and turns my head.. then he finds the newly piercing in my ear....

He says "Kassie!!! What's this!!" I look at him and have the guys let me up. I say "Babe it's not like I got my nipples pierced. It's just 2 more what's so bad about it?" He says "I don't know but I can accept that.... is there anymore I should know about?"

I lift my tank up to show my belly.... All the guys are like "Dayummm that's hot.." Hayes bit his lip and says "Okay... Okay." For some reason guys find belly piercings hot? I don't know why... but it was painful! I had in a bow one. It was one that wouldn't get caught on things for Cheer.

I put my shirt down and go to Hayes, I say to him "Babe I gotta get going. I will be back soon." He pulls me to the hallway. He says "Babe how bad did it hurt?" I look at him and say "Well the Triples were nothing, but the cartilage hurt like a bitch! But it's worth it. Your not mad are you?"

He wraps his arms around my waist and says "No, they are cute. But no more in your ears please?" I smile and say "Babe, I am done with my ears. The rest are painful." He smiles and says "Good, it will keep you away from them."

I laugh and he kisses my forehead and lets me go. I grab my purse and throw my flannel on, but  I didn't button it. I go to my room and touch up my mascara and powder, and finally perfume. I turn the lights off and run downstairs to see Sky and Elizabeth. She says "You ready?" I smile and nod. I pick Sky up and she laughs.

She honestly was so adorable, and I loved her laugh so much.

Hayes's Pov:

When she walked up to me earlier today and set her hand in mine, I knew she wasn't mad at me anymore. Yes I knew she is on her period this week. I could tell. But she tried to hide it the best she could, which to me shows she really cares about me and the people around her.

But when she came home tonight and I saw her I knew something different was about her.Yeah I was a little mad about the new piercings in the ears, but they were cute. But I don't want her to get anymore because that is a lot of metal in her ears.

Her sweet beautiful ears...

Cameron says "Yo, Hayes.... Kassie is really thin! Is that normal for her?" I look at him as he brought me out of my thoughts, I say "Well she is very small, but I don't know... this past week she barely ate anything at lunch.. must be  a girl thing."

All the boys go "Oh.... " You would think us boys would be stupid about girls things, but we can tell when they aren't eating, when they are pissed at us, when it's that time of the month, or even when they are very very happy for no reason.... also meaning bipolar... Which Kassie has sometimes...

But I can read her very well. Just by looking at her eyes, I know what kind of mood she is in. Her body language is very easy to read also, that's how I knew she was hiding something. Plus she is a terrible liar when it comes to certain things...

But sometimes you would think she is the sweet innocent girl, but in reality she is not! What so ever, all you got to do is get her in the good moor or even the right mood and she is unpredictable.

Nash says "Bro, pizza is here, you coming?" I look and see the guys gone, I get up and say "Yeah, give me a minute, go ahead and go down."

I walk to Kassie's room... I was wondering about some things. I turn the lights on and her bags are on the bed. I look at the names and see where she went. I walk over to the bed table and see a box on it... I pick it up and see what it was. I open it and it was empty... I open the drawer to find the notes I had written her, another box with something in it. I pick it up and there was a picture.... of her and this guy.

They looked a like. Same hair, same crocked smile, same eyes... I wondered who it was? I open the other box and see drugs! What was she doing that I wasn't aware of? I put everything back and walk to her bathroom.

I see all of her makeup and things, then I see a bottle of pills. I read the label and it says "menstrual relief?" What the fuck was that?

I decided I had found enough so I walk downstairs to find the boys almost done eating. I grab myself some food and sit down with them....

The only thing I could think of was what were those things in that box... and the other box. I hope she wasn't taking illegal drugs. If she was she could get kicked out of school or even off the cheer team.

**Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated in awhile I have been busy. Tonight where I am at I am suppose to get a bad snow storm. So if I don't update for awhile it is because I am either busy or I don't have internet. So I hope you enjoy my story so far. Also since we know what those 2 boxes are should Hayes really be worried about it? I don't think so. Also if you guys have any piercings comment below what they are. I would love to know. I have my triples done so what about you? I love you all Xx Stay warm and beautiful girlys! -Teylar-**

It all started with a tweet....Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora