At the Pier....

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**Hey Guys! I am updating. Okay so lately I have been crazy busy now that my softball season is in full swing. I have a couple more weeks left and then I am done. But managing at least 2-3 games a week. Practice when your not playing a game and not getting home till 6 on practice nights kind of sucks. Also trying to manage a relationship and stay close with my best friend and do school work. Yes this is my life currently. I know you love the book and all and I am happy that you guys do, but please bare with me I have a few more weeks left. Then summer is here. So now lets get back to Kassie and Hayes shall we...**

Kassie's Pov:

We arrived at the beach and the sun was going down and that's when the teens come out to party. I really didn't know why we were partying at the beach especially since we were all young. But who's going to arrest me.

We get to the beach house and unpack. Danielle, Maggie, and I were all rooming together for the time we were here. Maggie was so pretty. She was dating Carter and she lived in LA, while Carter lived in California with the guys.

We just got done unpacking all our things when Cameron knocks on the door and says "What would you guys think of going out on the docks tonight and having a little party so to say...?" Danielle looks at me and says "I am in.. what about you guys?"

I nod and say "Let me change. Be down in 20." Cam closes the door and Maggie says "Okay Kassie, since Danielle and me are ready, we going to get you ready. " I smile and say "Guys, I am okay honestly." She sits me down on my bed and says "Nope we are picking your outfit out."

I smile and just accept what Maggie just said. She comes back from HER closet and hands me this outfit she picked out.  I look at it and smile. It was cute, it was a short cropped top with sequins all over it and it was a cream color. The shorts were either a peach or a pink color with a bow in the front.

Since I had just thrown my hair in a messy side braid before we left, the girls take it out and start curling it and brushing through them with their fingers. Then they do my makeup like a Smokey eye. It was spot on... I loved it.

I didn't understand why they were making me look like this when it was the beach... but when they were done with me we take a selfie and walk out. The boys had already had a few to drink anyways. Hayes turns around and looks at me. He walks over and smiles.

He kisses my cheek. He then whispers "Baby girl you look so beautiful. You ready to have fun tonight?" I smile and nod.

We walk out to the pier and it was crazy as always. Teens partying and dancing to music it was great. Hayes hands me a drink. He was already drinking.

The girls come over to me and say "You okay?" I nod....

When in reality, I saw Nash and the Jacks smoking before we left and Hayes has already been drinking. Those two thing don't mix.... at all.

Suddenly I see a familiar figure in the distance.... Keaton!

I step back and hope he didn't see me... but he did... fuck.

I go to walk to the bathrooms hoping he wouldn't see me. 

I get to the bathroom and someone grabs my waist. I turn and am pulled to his chest.

I was breathing hard a little. I knew who it was and I knew he was looking down at me. He lifts my chin up to look at him..

He was going to say something but I stopped him. I motion for him to come down to my level. I whisper "Not here, if your either doing something or you need to talk to me." He nods and takes my hand.. I look around to make sure nobody was watching us and nobody was.

Taylor's Pov:

Earlier tonight I gave the guys the drugs my bro hooked me up with. Well I had been trying to stop. Ever since Hayes lost his V-card he thinks he can do all sorts of things. But Kassie doesn't like some things.

When we got here and she was unpacking Hayes smoked a joint with the Jacks and his brother. We were at the pier and I was the only one sober and so was Cameron. We didn't drink anything or smoke. We were the older ones of the group.. And honestly I kind of wanted Kassie to be my girl.. next month I was getting my own place in Florida and I wanted her to go with me.

But she was with Hayes... but we were at the Pier and Cameron and me were acting like we were partying, but I saw Kassie sneak off with another guy... I locate Hayes ands see him grinding all over another girl.... What the hell!!

I decided to let Kassie go.. but I'd be following her.

Kassie's Pov:

Keaton took me to this room that nobody was in. He shuts the door and locks it. I tense up. Keaton says "You can sit if you want." I sit down and keep my distance. He says "So Kassie, what brings you to the beach for this weekend? Don't you know it's the bad partying weekend down here?" I look at him confused.

I say "Wait what do you mean?" He says "You didn't see your boyfriend?" I shake my head no... He walks over to me and I tense up. He says "I am not going to try anything on you Kassie, calm down." I didn't know if I could trust him or not.

He shows me his iPad that had videos on it. He clicks one and it was Hayes grinding on 2 sluts... I get upset. A tear falls from my face. He says "Kassie, ever since you and Hayes did the dirty he thinks he can do all this stuff-" I cut him off and say "Wait how do you know about that?"

He says "I have my ways, but Kassie... do you want to be with someone who gets drunk and goes out and gets high and does things like that with other girls?"

I look at the video and tears were falling down my face.. I needed someone... Keaton saw me crying. He says "I won't do anything to hurt you, I'll comfort your if you need it?"

When he said that... it felt like it came from his heart.... I put my head on his shoulder and cry into his chest. He had his arm around me comforting me.

Keaton says "All you have to do is end it with one text message..." I pull out my phone and go to my messages...

I find his name and type..

"Hayes, I am sorry.. but I'm breaking up with you. I hope you understand."

After I sent that I locked my phone and Keaton asked me "Hey, do you want to crash at my friends house tonight? I promise nothing will happen between you and me."

I nod and he helps me up. I get a text from Taylor saying "I am outside, I will take you to my place if you want?" I say "That is perfect please." I look to Keaton and say "Hey my friend Taylor says he will get me home. Thank you though Keaton." He nods and says "Anytime." I walk out the door and Taylor takes my arm and guides me to his car.

He says "I am really sorry Kassie." I say "Don't be, it's probably for the best." He nods and helps me in the car.

He starts it up and we were off to Taylor's beach house. Honestly Haysie was no more... Sadly.

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