Boys and football practice....

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Hayes's Pov:

As the ride went up she was shaking and I could tell. So knowing me... Yes, I scooted her closer towards me. She looks at me and says "Hayes what are you doing?" I say "You looked cold so I thought I would take care of that. If you don't want me to then just tell me."

She smiles and says "It's fine I would really like that actually." I smile and she scoots closer to me. I lift my arm up so she snuggles into me. As the wheel went around more and more I see we are on the last go around and it was going to stop at the top and it was my time to shine. I was so nervous that she would say no or something but in the bottom of my heart I knew Kassie would say yes.

The wheel stops and we are at the top...

I sit up, she looks at me with concern....

She says "Is everything okay?"

I say.... "Kassie, now that I have actually seen you in person and all.. I have started likeing you a lot.. Honestly I think I am crushing on you... Harder then I have ever on a girl.... and with that..."

"Kassie May... Will... you... be... my.... Girlfriend?" She looks at me with shock. She blinks and takes a breath and says....

"It would be my pleasure to be your Girlfriend Mr. Benjamin Hayes Grier!" I smile and so does she. We hug and then we start moving again.

Kassie's Pov:

When Hayes asked me out I was surprised. I mean yeah we just met and all, but living with him and him having to deal with having a crush on a girl he lives with is kind of hard to stand and focus on sports and shit. But I am glad that we are now official. But his mom even said that if this ever did happen we would have eyes on us daily.

After we get off of the ride Hayes says "Do you want to head home? We both have practice tomorrow early?" I nod and we start walking back to Hayes's house.


Next morning.....

Kassie's Pov:

I am woken up to the sound of my alarm clock. I managed to get up without hesitating. I walk over to my mirror and I looked gross. I know I will shower when I got back from practice but I looked bad. I jump in the shower to rinse off and wash my hair and face.

Hayes's Pov:

When I heard the shower going I knew she was up so I grab the jersey that she was going to wear for next Friday's game. Last night she gave it back because we missed the preview game. I look into the room and see the bathroom door is shut. I lay the jersey on her bed and write a note saying-

Good morning beautiful! Hope you slept well. Wear this to school next Friday and to the game. I will see you tonight. Oh and btw Mom will take you to practice. See you soon! Text me when you can, oh and also good luck at practice!

After I was done I grab my things for practice and head to the field with Nash.

Kassie's Pov:

After my shower I throw my hair in a side braid and put my contacts in. I go out of the bathroom and see something on my bed with a piece of paper on it....

I walk over to it, in only a towel. It said-

Good morning beautiful! Hope you slept well. Wear this to school next Friday and to the game. I will see you tonight. Oh and btw Mom will take you to practice. See you soon! Text me when you can, oh and also good luck at practice!

I lift the jersey up and look at the back. It was perfect. I set it on my side table by my bed with the note. I go to my dresser and put under garments on. Then I grab a pair of spanks and a sports bra. I grab some shorts and a my team jacket. I grab my bag and phone. I head downstairs and Hayes's mom was there waiting for me.

She says "You ready to go?" I nod and we head out of the door.


At Practice...

Kassie's Pov:

We pull up to the field and the girls were there stretching on the track, while I see boys shirtless on the field throwing footballs. I get out of the car and start walking towards the girls when I see a familiar figure. He was wearing blue basketball shorts and I knew who that hair belonged too.

It was Hayes.

I smile and get to the girls. Hannah says "Why you so smiley today?" I laugh a little and say "Last night Hayes took my to the fair." All the girls stand up from what they were doing and gather around. They say "Tell me more!!!"

I laugh and say "Continue stretching and I will share." When they all sat down and stretched I said "Last night He took my to the Ferris wheel... it stopped at the top.... and he asked me to be his girlfriend." They all gasp and say "Awe Kass we are so happy for you!!"

I smile and say "Thank you.. now you guys need to teach me these stunts and stuff because I don't know what I am doing." They smile and Hannah says "We got your back girl."

Hayes's Pov:

During practice we would sometimes get caught off guard and watch the girls in their short shorts and sports bra. I mean what guy wouldn't want to watch that. They were doing this stunt and the girl on top made her body look like a bow-and-arrow. It was insane. I look closer and see...

IT"S KASSIE!!!! Oh shit!! I didn't know she was that flexible or that she was going to be doing that sort of stuff. My girl was not only the captain, but the top of the pyramid, and she was flexible as hell... which is hot.

After practice we walked over to the girls because coach told us to give them the jersey's but I had already done that. Only the starters got to do that though. I walk over with them just to say Hey to my girl.

When we get over there we wait till they let them down so nobody would get hurt... my idea especially Kassie because she is on top. We start walking closer and Kassie was taking a drink. I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist.

She smiles and turns to see who and she says "HAYES!!" She gives me a hug and I say "Hello to you too. How's practice going?" She smiles and says "Sorry, but it's going good. Little scary though. Are you guys done?"

I say "Yeah we are, we came to give the girls jersey's and I wanted to say hi to you." She smiles and says "Awe your too sweet. I think we are about done. I just have to pass out the bows and then we are done. Can I get a ride home?" I smile and say "Always can beautiful. I'll go tell Nash and grab my things then meet back here." She smiles and nods.

I kiss her cheek and run to get my things.

Kassie's Pov:

When the boys left I had to pass the girls Hair bows for the games for this month. Next month was October which we would wear pink bows. These ones were perfect because they were like a flag for our school.

When I was done I say by to the girls and I see Hayes walking back towards me.

He says "You ready to go?" I smile and nod.

Honestly I think being with Hayes is going to be great. It may be a battle because of his fans but I am willing to fight that battle.

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