"I promise you...."

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**Hey guys I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile.... My family has been going through a hard time. But I will try to update tomorrow. If I don't I hope you understand. Please know I will try to update when I can. Also please remember that I have things that come first in my life, Like school and family. I hope you all understand. Thank you guys for being patient.**

Cameron's Pov:

We were on our way to the police station and I knew that Danielle was going to be there and I needed to talk to her. Especially about us.....

Dani and me have been together for awhile.... I think it was when she was in 8th grade... I was a Sophomore. Now she is a Freshman and I am a Junior...

She was everything to me. But she managed to carry our relationship even when I went on tour. Over the summer we didn't see each other as much as we normally did.

Being 3 months apart from her killed me. We would text, tweet, snap chat, and at night she would Face time me if she could. Sometimes I was busy and we couldn't but we would stay up late and my boss would have to come in and tell me to go to bed because it was always late.

She was something special to me and I didn't want to lose that. Over the time that we have been together we haven't told each other a lie, cheated on each other, or anything like that.

The one thing we have said to each other was "I love you." I said those words to her over the summer.

I believe it was after I had landed and she got some people together and threw me a welcome home party. I think that was also the time when she was having family problems.

Her mom had gotten really sick over the summer. She was rushed to the hospital and I wasn't there for her. I wish I was but I was in New York.

I tried to get a flight back earlier then I could, but boss wouldn't let me. Thankfully her mom recovered and is all healthy now, but she has to go get a check up every month.

The thing Dani never told me was what she went to the hospital for. Honestly if she ever wanted to tell me what it was she knows she can. But I am not going to force it out of her.

The only thing I really care to talk to her about is why her lips were on another guys.

We arrive at the station and get out. Hayes's mom rushes in to start the paperwork. I walk in and look to my right and see Hayes and Kassie in the cell talking

Glad they made up, now it's my turn.

I walk over to the Jack's and Dani was on her phone. I walk over to her and she looks up. She was a mess. I say to her "Can we talk?" She nods and I walk outside to the bench to talk to her.

She sits down and locks her phone and puts it in her purse. She says "What you want to talk about?"

Great I knew she wouldn't remember.

I say to her.....

C- Well, I don't want to loose my girl, Dani I saw you tonight....

D- You weren't at that party tonight were you?

C- No I wasn't I showed up right when it got crashed by the cops.

D- Oh.... you saw didn't you....?

C- Yeah... I did.. I know you were tipsy and all, but why did you do it?

D- We were in a fight and I was upset and yes I had been drinking, but I wanted to take my mind off of things.... I thought doing that would help...

C- Danielle, I know you were and I know we were fightng, but honestly going out and getting drunk and then not knowing what you are doing is just not right. What if that guy wanted to have sex with you?!

D- I know Cam, I am sorry.

C- Dani!! You didn't answer my question?

D- Okay Cameron!!! I know what if he did?!! But that is "What If!!" Cameron you know I won't do that with him, you know that.

C- Are you sure? Because it sure as hell didn't look like it.

D- Cam please calm down! I will explain when you calm the fuck down!!!

C- Okay, fine... sorry. But we made a promise when we had out 5 months together....

D- I know Cam, and I want to keep that promise, to you, nobody else, just you.

C- Good, because Dani.... I want to promise you something more then just being together and taking your V-Card. Dani I want to promise to spend eternity with you..... Dani, I promise to you one day, I will get down on one knee and propose to you.... but for now, please except this gift from me that will remind you of what we Will be one day.

I pull out a box, inside it was a promise ring for her. I wanted to be her husband one day in life, I wanted her to be my wife. I wanted to live in a huge house with her.... one day.

Danielle's Pov:

I sat there talking to Cam about what our relationship is at in life. Yeah he got a little mad and all, but I love Cam. I know things like this happen in every relationship, but what relationship doesn't have fights, and things.

When I finally got him to calm down, he starts getting really emotional.... then he pulled out a box. He opened it and there was a beautiful ring with a heart in the middle with an infinity sign going through it.

It was beautiful. He says "Dani, I want to promise forever with you, I only want to be with you and nobody else. I got a little teared up. He put the ring on my left hand.

Honestly, I wanted to be with Cameron forever. He was the most amazing guy a girl could ask for. He was my forever....

And I was his....

**Aww..... Yeah... anyway guys, the reason why this chapter had NOTHING to do with Hayes, or Kassie is because I felt I needed to step out of my zone and make the other couple in this story more interesting. Honestly writing about the same couple can get boring. So now you guys know about Cameron and Danielle. I hope you all enjoy. Now I have to go watch my cousin in a championship game tonight. Love you guys!! xX**

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