Orange is the new Hayes....

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Kassie's Pov:

We were at Danielle's friends house and man was I having fun! It was a party actually. Honestly I never would of thought of myself to be in this position.. But I wasn't thinking about.... wait who was I talking about again?

Oh well...

I walk into the kitchen to get a refill when some arms are wrapped around my small waist. I had thrown on some Hollister Jeans when I got to Danielle's house. I laugh and turn to see who it was...

It was a tall boy... brownish colored hair....and a grey shirt... He says "Why hello beautiful!" I smile and was a little tipsy. He says "Wow, slow your roll there. Why don't we go somewhere?"

I smile and nod. He then says "I didn't get your name love?" I laugh and say "Kassie... what's yours?" He smiles and says "Dyan... Dylan Dauzat."

Dylan's Pov:

Yeah.... I had been drinking... but this was also my house and my parents were out of town. So I kind of needed this. Plus I was home from college for the weekend so why not get together with friends an party...

When I ran into her she was so pretty, but she was drunk, I could tell. But I wanted to meet her...

Nobody's Pov:

Dylan took Kassie's hand and walked her carefully to the pool outside. He was only 19, Kassie was 15....

Danielle was too busy with another guy in the living room. Dylan and Kassie sit down on one of the layout chairs. Kassie was a light weight so she was laughing and tipsy as hell.

Kassie's Pov:

I sat down with Dylan and he was all smiles. He was very cute (Guys bare with me here, she is drunk)

He says "So, what brings you here?" I smile and say "Fun... I think I found it.." He says "What do you mean babe?" I smile and say "That your very attractive." He smiles and says "Well thank you, but your very beautiful yourself."

He then says "But I would also like to do this...." He puts my messy hair out of my face and carefully behind my ears, I was so numb so I didn't feel the pain.

We were looking into each other's eyes, he puts his hand on my cheek and we lean in....

Hayees's Pov:

We had managed to have my mom track down Kassie's cell. Even though it was off. But she was in some weird neighbor hood... So Cameron, Nash, the Jack's, Carter, and me all get in the car and follow the map to where she was... I wasn't for sure what I should expect but I had a feeling it was going to be bad.

When we pull up to this HUGE house, almost as big as ours. But not fully. We see a bunch of cars and people in the lawn passed out, red solo cups everywhere and we hadn't even made it in the house yet!

We all get out and walk up to the front door. Cam goes to knock bu he pushes the door open. There was literally shit everywhere. Toilet paper hanging from the ceiling, trash everywhere, cups and beer bottles... I was bad and I can't believe she was here.

We walk in and are stopped by a guy running around with a bikini on saying "I"M FLUFFY THE DINOSAUR!!!! FEEL MY RAWER!!!!" (Sorry guys, cheesy but he is drunk so...)

Plus he wasn't that appealing to the eye. But we continue in the door, Cam looks to his right and is stopped. He turns to the right and is shocked. Nash says "BRO speak!!!"

He points and we follow his finger..... It was Danielle. She was all over this college dude..... Cameron sits down on the stairs and Nash sits with him....

Carter and the Jack's help me find my girl....

We were walking through the whole house.... Then we see the back door... there was 2 people out their....

I open the door and recognize that hair... I look closer and see Kassie.... She was kissing another dude....

Kassie's Pov:

Dylan had just leaned in and we met. His lips were soft.... I hear the door open... and then a gasp.. I pull away and see Hayes...

He was shocked, he had tears coming to his eyes.... I didn't say anything... but I did feel something in my gut that was coming back up the wrong way...

I throw up on the ground but thankfully away from Dylan.... I look back to where Hayes was but he was gone... The Jack's were walking over to me... Jack G says "Come on Kass let's get you home. Or somewhere.." He comes over to me and picks me up bridal style.

We walk back into the house and I started falling asleep. I see Danielle in Jack J's arms. I say barely to Jack G "Take us to Dani's Please?" I was slurring my words.

They take us to Dani's car and I am in the back with her, we were laughing so much... But when the guys pulled up to the house it wasn't Dani's. It was a hotel.... what was going on?

Hayes's Pov:

I had told the boys to grab the girls stuff and take it a hotel and get them a room for the night. I didn't want Danielle's parents to see them like this and tell my mom. She wouldn't let Kassie do anything and it would be a mess... but it already is..

I saw Kassie cheating on me with a College dude! We were still at this party... I needed to talk to this dude who was kissing my girls lips.... and Cameron had some things to say to the other dude also....

I walk over to this guy and say....

"What were you doing all over my girl!!"

"What are you talking about?! She seemed like she was in for it?" He said

"Are you crazy or something!! That is my girlfriend DUMB ASS!!!" I was yelling at him practically.

"Whatever dude, not my problem. It's yours for letting your girl be such a slut!" He said.

The minute he said that I threw a punch to his face! He almost falls. He turns back to me and throws a punch at me....

"EVERYONE PUT YOUR HANDS UP!!! Davidson Day Police!!!"

I was going to be in so much trouble. Nash comes around the corner and says "Bro let's go... they won't see you!" I nod and bolt for them. I jump the fence and then hear a guy yell "HEY!! We got a runner!!" I come around the corner and bolt.

The guys were almost to the car when I am tackled....

I was going to Jail...

**There is a picture of Dylan at the top**

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