Touchdown and Tears...?

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Kassie's Pov:

I am woken up by the smell of puppy breath. Adorable. Jessie was licking my face. She had to go outside. I take her out and go get something to eat also. Sky loved her so much. She couldn't get her hands off that little dog all week. It was cute though.

Oh! Earlier this week Hayes's mom took me to go get my HOCO dress and it's gorg!! I never thought I would pull a white dress off but this one was adorable. (Its at the top if you want to see)

I grab Jessie to go wake her "daddy" up. Hayes had been calling her that all week, it's weird. I jumped in the shower because today I had to get to school early so he could ask Danielle to HOCO.... he was going to put confetti and balloons in her locker along with a bunch of sticky notes that said meet me at my car after school.

She would have to wait all day just to get asked. Then after school he would stand at his locker covered in sticky notes and holding a sign saying "I am stuck by your side all the time, now stick by mine on the night of Homecoming? -Cam" It was #adorable!!!!

It was also my idea because she loves sticky notes and has them all in her room.


After my shower I see his jersey on my bed along with my red cheer skirt. We were on the road tonight and I did not enjoy that.

I get dressed and spray perfume on the white jersey. Jessie comes pushing my door open and had something on her neck. I take it off and it was Hayes.

He said "Love you and good morning beautiful, meet downstairs in 30 minutes for a picture. -Hayes"

Good thing I was straightening my hair. I start on that and before I knew it I was doing my makeup.


30 minutes later...

I come downstairs holding my bag and Jessie. She had to go to the vet today. Hayes's mom was taking her. I had to put my cheer shoes on too. I sit on the bottom stair and put my shoes on. Hayes walks over and takes Jessie. She barks.

It was so cute. He says "Oh my little puppy has to go to the vet today doesn't she?" I look at him and he helps me up and hands Jessie to sky.

Hayes and I get a picture real quick and then we head to go help Cameron set up for Danielle.

At school...

We had just gotten everything in the locker and managed to shut it. Danielle just arrived to school with Cam. Hayes and me set it all up. She walks over to her locker and Cameron was right next to her. She opens it and the balloons fall out and so does the confetti. She says "What the hell is this!!!"

She was pissed. Then she picks one of the notes up and says "Cam what's this?" But he was gone. He was going to avoid her all day and then ask her after school because he was her ride home.


After school....

The day went by fast and I was glad, tomorrow was Hayes and I's anniversary!! I couldn't wait to spend it with him!!! I had to leave school early to help Cam, he looked like a giant sticky note! It was funny.

The bell had just rung and apparently Cam had put a teddy bear in her locker before school got out and this fucking thing was huge!!!

She was walking out with it and I was taping it all. She looks up from her phone and they make eye contact. She runs over to him and reads the board and she takes the notes off of his lips and eyes. She says "Yes!" Then they kissed.

It was cute everyone was taking pictures and all it was so adorable. After I said my goodbyes I head home to get ready with the girls for the game even though I will be sitting out.

Hayes's Pov:

We had just gotten home and after the game I would be picked up by my dad and rushed to the airport.

I was writing notes for Kassie. Like:

When you miss me.
After the game.
When you wake up and I am not here.
When Jessie misses me
When you can't get ahold of me and you want me there with you.

I wrote her the one for tonight and it was hard because I knew this could possibly break us up...


After the Win....

Hayes's Pov:

I had just gotten off the bus and was already headed to the airport with the guys, so not looking forward to this.

I had pre order flowers and made had her favorite hoodie that is mine sprayed in my cologne on my bed along with the flowers and the notes, plus a little cute collar for Jessie.

Kassie's Pov:

I was on a different bus then Hayes and we couldn't have our phones out. I had just gotten home and went to look for him but he wasn't there...

I go to his room and on the bed was a new collar for Jess, Jessie, a bouquet of red roses, a few envelopes, and my fav hoodie that was his...

I go and open the note that said "After the game..."

I hold Jess in my arms and start reading....

Kass & Jess-
I love you both with all my heart, Sadly I will not be able to spend tomorrow with you. I have been forced to on tour with the guys for a week. I won't be back till next Friday. By the time you read this, I will be on the plane and my phone will be shut off. Every one of these envelopes has something in it that will remind you of me being here with you. Take care of Jess and Sky while I am gone, I love you with all my heart and plan on using what's in this envelope with you only if you want too. Text me when you can. I love you always and always will. Happy anniversary my beautiful baby girl. Love always- Hayes

I look in the envelope and there was a condom..... Honestly I think I am ready to do it with Hayes, but it can't be till he gets home. But I will keep the promise he told me to keep, take care of Sky, and Jess. But this was going to be hard...

This was going to test the relationship...

Big time....

** Check out Nash's new video in the link above. It's funny!!**

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