Beach Party!!!

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Kassie's Pov:

It was Saturday morning and Hayes and I laid here on his bed. Late last night we did it again.... we had sex. My head was laying on his chest with my hand around him and him holding me close. I flutter my eyes open and moves to re-position.

I sit up and make sure the sheets keep me covered. I sit up and brush the hair out of his face and he moves his head to face me. I kiss his lips making him open his eyes.

He stretches and pulls me closer and says "Good morning my beautiful baby girl. How did you sleep?" I smile and say "I slept like a baby, how did you sleep?" He smiles and kisses my forehead and says "Perfect. Hey we gotta get up." I look at him confused? He says "We have football and cheer pictures today..."

I smile and say "Do we have to go?" He smiles and says "Yes, baby we do. Now let me get in the shower and then you can go." I roll over so my back was facing him. He wraps his arms around my bare skin and says in the crock of my neck "Don't ignore me baby girl, I will always win." He kisses my neck where he had left a mark on me last night. It was still sore.

He brushes my hair out of the way and says "Don't make me do a bigger one." I turn around to face him and he pulls me closer. He was looking down at me and I was looking at his chest.

He lifts my head up with his finger and says "I love you May, don't forget that." I smile and say "I love you Benjamin" He kisses me and rolls out of bed and hands me a breakfast bar and my pills.

I eat and then take them. I lay in bed till he was done in the shower.

Finally when he was done I get up and wrap the sheet around me. He walks over and says "Don't hide things from me kass, you know me, I know you." I nod and walk to the shower. But I didn't know he was holding on to the sheet.

Then suddenly I was struck by cold air and bare naked about to get in the shower. I shut the door before he could walk to the door.

He tried getting in but I had locked it. For some particular reason... (not to be weird of anything but....Hayes is horny... Bare with me here)

Anyway I finish up my shower today and wrap a towel around my head and a robe around me. I put all the things on me to smell good. I walk out of the bathroom and I walk over to Hayes. I wrap my arms around him and say "Let's skip today... you need your outfit for the dance anyways.." He smiles and says "Iv'e got a better idea..."

He stands up and walks to my closet. He grabs me a swimming suite and one of my flowy cover ups. He says "We are going to go to the beach with the boys.... be ready in 20."

He kisses my lips and walks out.

Like what the heck... but hey... I am going to the beach..... hell ya!!

Hayes's Pov:

Yes we were going to the beach with all the family, we were going to stay at my family's beach house for the weekend.. it was going to be fun.. and no parents allowed!

Kassie's Pov:

After I got changed and packed my bags for the weekend I go to my room and grab my pills... shit... next weekend I was going to be on my period.. Fuck me!!!!

I had 3 more days of freedom.. I go to Hayes's room.. yes I know we are young and all but hey who fucking cares...

I walk into his room and he was packing. He looks at me like waht the hell are you doing? I walk past him and to his bed side table. I knew what was in his room. Jack G piled him up with some good things... condoms... I mean

I grab a hand full of them and throw them in his bag. He looks at me with a smirk... I smile and say "You have 3 days boy..." He smiles and kisses me. Grabs my waist and I say "You can wait. I am still sore babe."


We get in the car and are headed to the beach. It was Cameron, Danielle, Nash, Carter, Hayes, Jacks, Matt, Shawn, Taylor, Lox, Aaron, Maggie, and me heading to the beach in a limo... Cameron had to make a stop before we left though.. Alcohol....

This was going to be a fun weekend...

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