Where there's Kassie... there's Hayes...

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Kassie's Pov:

We had just pulled up to the meeting place we were at and I couldn't see in the backseat like normal but I knew Sky, and Cameron were in there. Taylor shuts the car off and we get out. I see Mr. & Mrs. Grier get out. They walk over to me and she hands me the bag of things I requested.

She say's "Umm Kassie, I know you only requested Cameron and Sky,-" I step back and Taylor wraps his arm around me. I say "You didn't!!!"

The person I didn't want to see for a very very long time steps out of the car.. He looked terrible. Bags under his eyes, hair all over the place, pants sagging to his knees, and he smelled like smoke.

He had his nose in his phone, probably planning on laying a girl tonight. Taylor was standing in front of me. I was peeking over his shoulder. Hayes finally looks up when he notices Sky running towards me. Her mom stops her.

She wanted Hayes and me to talk and I didn't want too.

He looks up and notices my hair blowing in the wind. He says "Kassie? Is that really you?"

I look at Taylor. He says "We can leave if you want too?"  I look up and say "No, I need to talk to him.. Just stay close to me." He takes my hand and we walk over to Hayes.

He was shocked when he saw me and Taylor holding hands. He says "Can we talk alone?" I look at Taylor and he nods.

Taylor stayed with the family and socialized with everyone else and caught up with the guys and explained to the parents about our flight arrangements for tomorrow. 

Hayes's Pov:

When I looked up and saw her standing there in front of me for what seems like forever, she was breathtaking. I can't believe she was standing right here in front of me. I walk over to her and we talk. She was distant from me.  She didn't let me get close to her and it kind of made me upset.

We walk to the pier. She was looking into the water and says "Hayes, you need to let me go... I am leaving tomorrow for Florida... I know you want me back and all but I know how you have been acting like this lately because I am no longer in your life, but Hayes. If you want to stop all this that your doing. Such as your drinking and smoking problem... also Hayes, do you really think I am not aware of all the other girls you have hooked up with...

I decided to get her to stop talking. I pull her towards me and we kiss....

She immediately trys to push me away, but I had my arm around her waist.

Kassie's Pov:

I was ranting on and he decided to take it upon himself and kiss me.... I try pushing him away but it's no use, so I just don't kiss back. I could taste the smoke and all that shit. It was gross. I managed to pull away and he wouldn't let go.

I say "Hayes let me go!! Please!!!" He lets go when he gets a phone call.

I run over to Taylor and he wraps his arm around me.

Mrs. Grier says right when I am getting into Taylor's Car-

"Kassie, your mother contacted me last week, she's coming home.... I am sorry Kassie, but she's going to be here in 48 hours and she's expecting you to be with us. She wants you guys to fly home together. I guess she got moved to Texas where your brother lives. And since your not 18 and I am not your legal guardian, and neither is he, you have to move in with your brother and mother in Texas."

I was standing in the car door. I took all that in and I didn't know what to think. My mother left me to go be with some guy who she thought was her 'soul mate' but I guess not. Something is going on and I didn't know what it was. But all I know is.... I was not moving in with my mother and Brother. The last time I saw my brother... was when Keaton raped me and Hayes saved me....

I look up at Hayes and his eyes were red. He had been crying. He was sniffing. Honesty, I was only a teenage girl and I didn't know what I wanted... I just wanted all the confusion to go away along with the pain. No one understood me, besides... him.

Hayes's Pov:

When I saw her I wanted her back so badly, words couldn't describe how bad I wanted her back. I couldn't stand seeing Taylor with his arms around her. Fuck! I can't stand the fact of anyone besides my hands around her beautiful small figure.

I was listening to the conversation my mom was having with her. She wasn't going to do that, but she knew it was the only way we could keep her in North Carolina. Even if she lived an hour away from Davidson Day.

When in reality, my mom said all that shit just because we have been working on a case. My mom and a few others knew about her where abouts besides me. The police have been doing a search trying to find her. They have been telling us what to say to her and all. The school year was almost to it's end. Even though it had just started, but for us.... Me, Nash, Cameron and all of them... we get out at Christmas break and finish online schooling.

Will would be heading home from college soon and he has been on me about getting off the drugs and alcohol. Thankfully it has worked. But this morning, my mom found out that Kassie's mom was killed in the plane crash the night before. Kassie was an orphan now. My mom was planning on adopting her, but if she did. We couldn't date.  So we had her Aunt who lives in Texas adopt her. All we needed was Kassie to move in with us. That was her aunt's request. She said "I will adopt Kassie, only if you guys contact me about where she is located every once in awhile, she has to living under The Grier's household, she can date Mr. Hayes Grier, only if she lives under The Grier's household, any personal information that needs a parent or guardian's signature contact me and I will give you my approval. Also, I have made a stamp that has my signature on it. It will be in your mailbox by next week. If Kassie is not under your roof by next week when that package delivers, I will shred the adoption papers and contact the police and force them to take Kassie into their custody and they decide what to do with her." She was a lawyer so she knew a lot about this stuff. She also said she will send a $5,000 check every month to use and that will be used for Kassie, if she doesn't use all of it, mom is supposed to put the rest in the bank for her towards her future career plans. Which she can't touch till she gets at least 1 degree in College.

It was a lot to take in but she flew down here to say it all to us. Mom has actually got her signature down pretty well. It's not identical, but pretty close.

Kassie's Aunt also told me "Hayes, you stop doing that stupid shit and get her back and we have a deal."

This morning was my last time.

I look back and listen in again. Kassie was in front of my mom. She pulls out some paper work. It was a restraining order on Taylor. Kassie had 1 day to get everything out of his house and then she was to never see him again. When Kassie read that she was shocked. She just stood there.. the time that she was to never have contact to him again started tomorrow when she would leave his house for the last time after everything was gone that belonged to her.

She was numb and I knew it. She just stood there. Taylor walks over and puts his hand on her back. My jaw clenches when I see him do that. Kassie starts crying which shatters my heart.

My mom says to her "Kassie, I am sorry,  but you have to come home with us tonight." Kassie looks up and says "And if I don't?" My mom looks up at her and says "We will have the cops arrest Taylor for kidnapping you."

Kassie was speechless. She looks at Taylor and he nods. She shakes her head and he says "Kassie, you stay, I'll go to Florida and you will never see me again." She says "No! Taylor!!" He gets in the back seat and gives her, her purse and the dog I gave her when  asked her to Homecoming. Cameron walks over and takes the things out Taylor's hands. Taylor says "Thank you for all you did for me this past month. I'll have a moving truck come by and I'll pack it all up and drop it off at your house tomorrow morning. Then you will never see me again." My mom nods, and Taylor gets in his car and takes off.

Kassie wasn't talking to anyone. She just got into the very back of the car along with Cameron.

And we headed home... it was a very silent car ride home...

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