Young, Wild, & Free..

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Kassie's Pov:

We were driving to Taylor's Beach house when my phone lights up... it was a text message... from Keaton..

Keaton: You know I am here for you. Now that I am out of jail I know that I don't want o be In there every again.. So I won't hurt you again Kassie, if you need me just call me or text me. If you just need a place to stay I'll get you to mine no matter how far you are. I still care about you Kassidy. I love you.

When I read the last part I was shocked... then Hayes messaged me back.

Hayes: Kassie?!?! What the hell? Why do you think we should break up?! I am so sorry Kassie, I don't know what I did. But whatever the hell it is I am so sorry baby girl! I just need you in my life! Please???!!?

Then a tear fell down my cheek. I sniff and Taylor hears me. He sets his hand on my thigh. I tense up for a minute and then realx. I knew Taylor wouldn't do anything to hurt me.

When we get to his house he says "Do you want some tea or something to change in too?" I say "Yeah that would be nice." He motions for me to follow him to his room and he hands me some of his sweats and a hoodie that was his.

He walks out and shuts the door so I could change. His house was nice, and he lived here all by himself. Like wow. When I was done changing I go to the bathroom. He even had toothbrushes, hair brush, hair ties, and makeup remover for girls. It's like what happens here?

I use some makeup remover and take my smudged makeup off, and throw my hair up in a messy side pony. I shut the light off and walk downstairs. He had a cup of tea sitting on the counter for me. But where was Taylor?

I sit down and set my phone down. Then I hear a door open...?  I stay still for a second... I peek around the corner and didn't know who it was.. I hear them say "Hey Taylor??!!" It was Hayes. Shit! I turn around and see Taylor.. he motions for me to follow him. I didn't know where we were going. But I followed him. We went into this secret room that nobody knew was there. It blended In with the wall. Taylor says to me..

"Hayes is wasted and whenever any of the guys are wasted they end up at my house.. Don't ask me why but they just do. Hayes has been wasted before. Kassie I need to ask you something though..."

I look up. I was curled up in a ball in the corner of this little closet that we were in. I was scared and confused, I didn't know what I wanted anymore. I just wanted it to all be gone. Hayes, Keaton, and my parents to come home! That's all I wanted.

Taylor knew something was wrong with me. He says "Kassie, if your up for the ride, I am selling this place and moving down to Florida next month. If you want to join me you can. You will start new. No guardian, no Hayes, No Keaton, and No body who will abuse you. A new start and you won't have to worry every again. Just you and me. I will take care of you. You can stay at home and not go to school, not have to go anywhere, Kassie, will you move with me?"

I was shocked at what he just said. Everything he just said is what I want. A new life, nothing to worry about. Not having to go anywhere in life. A careless free life.. It's what I wanted.

I sniff and Taylor kneels down. He takes my hands and says "So what will it be Kassie? Nobody will have to know about you leaving. Nobody will know you are staying here with me for the next couple of weeks?" I sniff and look up and say "Yes!" Taylor's releaved. Suddenly we hear the door close, Hayes was gone. We hear a beer bottle get dropped on the sidewalk.

Then a car door shut. We wait another second and Taylor steps out first. He looks through the windows that cannot be seen inside. It was clear. He says "So I'll make up a lie saying you went to visit family for the next few weeks. I'll gather all your things from the beach house at the Grier's. Danielle and Maggie can know about it if you want them too?"

I say "Maggie, no. Danielle and Hayes's mom are the only one's that I want to know about where I am at. And Cameron." He nods and says "Well, this house only has one room.. mine. Your welcome to stay in there and I will sleep on the couch."

We walk inside and I say "Taylor..." He turns around and says "Yes Beautiful...?" We were in his room now..

I say "Will you stay until I am asleep? Please?" He smiles and says "Yes I will."

Taylor's Pov:

She was asleep I believe, I stand up and turn to walk out. But she sits up and says faintly... "Taylor..." I walk over to her and say "Yes sweet heart?" She opens her eyes barely.. and says "Please sleep with me." I kiss her forehead and say "Only if you want me too." She nods and says "Please."

She lays back down. I throw my shirt in the dirty pile. I was in my basketball shorts and that's it. I lay under the sheets. She curls up next to me. Which I let her.

She had her head on my chest, her long curly golden hair falling down her back, the smell of her perfume was all around, her small perfect hand was resting on my abs, and her beautiful legs were right next to mine, one on top of mine holding on to me, and her gorgeous body pressed up against mine.

She was so beautiful in every way. She was cold and I could tell. I wrap one arm around her waist pulling her closer to me and the other holding her hand. She nestles in to my should/ chest. She had her head positioned looking up at me.

I couldn't stand it anymore. I take my free hand that was resting on hers, and pull her chin up to mine, and kissed her. Her lips were soft and tasted like watermelon. She puts her hand on my waist. We separate and she opens her eyes and says "Taylor..." I look into her eyes and I could see the pain that she has been through. I say

"You are free now baby, no more pain, or heart ache. Just freedom." She smiles a little and goes to sleep. I kiss her once more and say "Goodnight May, sweet dreams beautiful."

And she was out...

**** Plot Twist!!!! Lol, so what did you guys think of that? Yes I know Hayes and Kassie were adorable, but Hayes is the one who ruined it... So Yes. I did update today and I made sure it was good. But now I am off to a Church gathering. I hope you all enjoyed your weekend, I know I did. I got a weekend off from softball and got to sleep in. Now next weekend I am not sure if I will update. My step sister has prom and I am spending it with my Boyfriend and I have a family wedding shower to go too. I hope you guys all enjoy your week. And let me know what you think about the relationship twist. Love you all so much. Also I need an opinion... continue writing over the summer or stop.. Let me know below! Love u guys and stay beautiful XX-Teylar***

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