YouTube videos and Crushing?....

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Hayes's Pov:

It was Wednesday night and I was face timing her. She had been living in my room all week. She would only leave to go get something from her room. She hadn't been eating either and I could tell. I had the boys come and bring her food because she was scared of them.... but she kept the door locked.

I was really starting to worry about her because I didn't know if she was doing all of this on purpose or what. She was talking about how she was wondering why they were here and I kept telling her "To go and get to know them, they are really nice."

She said "Fine, I guess I will. But they know about us right?" I smile and say "Yes they do, I will be home Saturday for the dance, The game got canceled. I love you Kass. Sweet dreams, text me if you need anything. Give Jess my love."

She nods and says "Love you too miss you night." Then she hung up.

Kassie's Pov:

Hayes has been telling me every night to go and get to know them, well I was scared too. I look at Jessie and she was asleep...

What should I do... I mean yeah I should grow some balls and go and meet the damn guys, but my heart belonged to Hayes... nobody else....

I sit up from laying on his bed. I walk over to the mirror and boy did I look bad...

I decided to just throw my hair up into a messy bun and throw on Hayes hoodie, and some yoga shorts.

I walk to my room and put deodorant and perfume on along with my necklace and every other piece of jewelry I have.

I walk down the stairs and Shawn was playing his guitar and Taylor was messing around with his phone, the Jacks were doing who knows what and Matt.... I don't even know what he was doing.

I walk down the final step and there heads all turn. Taylor stands up and walks over to me. He says "Kassie nice for you to finally come down. You hugry?" I shake my head no. I walk over to the big chair that Hayes and me always sat in.

Matt finally finishes what he was doing and he walks over to me and says "Can I sit here?" I look up... and scoot over. Matt says "So what have you been up to being in there all alone?" I sigh and say "Nothing, is that a crime?"

He smiles and laughs. He says "Nash and Cameron were right. You are a smart ass when you want to be. If you haven't figured out who I am,  am Matthew. But you can call me Matt." I nod and say "Sorry to burst your bubble buddy, but I know who you all are."

Shawn says "Guys, we should do a YouTube video... maybe the what's in my mouth challenge?" The guys all say "Yeah." Then Matt says "Kassie you want to join us?"

I was scrolling through Hayes and I's pictures that we have together. I stand up and say "Sure, I guess."

I then got a text from Hayes:

"Baby girl, if the guys want to do a YouTube video you should join them. I know the fans would love to see your face and see you happy. Love you Baby girl. I will be home in 3 days."

I stand up and walk over to the guys. I say "Alright, who's driving?" Taylor holds his keys up and we all pile into his "baby" so he says.

We literally could not touch anything. That's how much he was in love with his stupid car. I mean I can see why but still.


After we were done at the store we headed home. We found some weird shit. We each got to pick 5 items. We get home and walk inside and Taylor sets his camera up. I layed all the things out on the counter and the boys do their intro thingy.

Then matt says "And if you don't know who this adorable girl is this is Hayes's girlfriend Kassie" When he said that I kind of had a feeling that Matt was crushing on me... It was weird.


We were done with the video and it was a lot of fun and I check my phone and see that it is 1 in the morning. I turn to the guys and say "I think I am going to crash. You are welcome to stay in Hayes, Nash, and Sky's room if you want."

The guys all nod and say "Night Kassie, sweet dreams. See you in the morning."

**Hey guys, I am sorry I haven't updated in awhile, but I just started softball and I am going to be very tired and very busy for a few months. I will try to update as much as I can but if not I am sorry. I know this chapter kind of sucked, but I will try to make next one better. This one is also shorter because I am about to leave for practice. I hope everyone is staying warm from where I am from. But I will be busy till like the middle of May, so bare with me here. But once summer hits, I will be bored and stuck at home so I will update a lot. I love you guys so much. Thank you for getting 2 of my stories to 20K!!! Love you all once more, stay beautiful!! Xx-Teylar**

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