I just want you here right now...

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Kassie's Pov:

I sat there on his bed with Jess and I was just shocked at what I just read, I wanted to text him or just even hear his voice. But I knew I couldn't. Nash wasn't here, Chad wasn't here, Cameron wasn't here, Danielle wasn't here, and not even my own boyfriend.

Suddenly I hear the door bell ring. I had mascara running down my cheeks. I sniff.. I get up and Jess jumps off my lap. I managed to open the door and I make eye contact with 5 tall boys. They all say "Kassie!!?"

I look at them and then one of them hugs me...

Taylor's Pov:

Right before Hayes and the rest of the crew left they told me to take good care of Kassie for me... Apparently the following week everyone had school off because of a lab experience in the Chemistry lab gone wrong. But it's whatever. Hey! Hayes's mom was out of town on business and Sky went to their grandmas for the week.

I wasn't sure why or how Hayes and Nash were trusting us to stay with her all week but I know she will probably stay in his room for the whole week.

I go and hug her and she looks at me like who the hell are you?! She backs away and says "Oh, who's face timing me?"

I pull out my phone and it was Hayes, just like I had asked him to do.

Hayes's Pov:

I was told to face time Taylor so he could give the phone to her so I could explain what was going on and because I knew she would be upset.

He hands the phone to her and her eyes start tearing up already.

K-Hayes.... Why did you do this?
H- Baby girl I had no choice, but those boys that are now in the house are there to keep you company, Shawn is the tall one with the nice smile and is kind of pale. Gilinsky is the one that looks kind of like Shawn but is tan. Johnson is the blond one who is kind of short. The one with the bandana is Taylor. And the one with the blond and brown hair is Matt.
K- Okay, can I stay in your room?
H- You can do whatever you want to do baby, you don't have school all week, so the game is off and the Homecoming dance has been moved to a different location.
K-Alright, I am going to call you off my phone.
H- Babe yo can't.... My boss took my phone for the night. He doesn't want me up on it. So I am talking to you through my dads phone. But I have got to get going baby girl.
She didn't say anything.
H-Babe, go to my room and grab my hoodie and your pj pants and take Jess, stay up in my room for the week. I will try to text you in the morning if I get my phone back, but I will text you when I can. I love you with all my heart and I miss you like crazy.
K- I miss you too.
H- Goodnight baby girl, sweet dreams. I love you. Give Jess my love.
K- Love you too and I will night Hayes.

Then she was gone. She was upset and I knew. She wanted me here with her. She was my girl and I was hers and I think she was afraid that might change. And this whole thing was testing our relationship. Big time.

Kassie's Pov:

I grab Jess and the guys made themselves at home real fast. I go to my room do what I had to do then I walk into his. It was clean and it smelled like him. There was my school picture on his bed side table along with the notes he had written me. I grab Jess's bed and put it at the end of his.

I put his hoodie on and shut the lights off. His bed smelled like him, I missed him so much.

Jess curls up next to me. She missed her daddy too. I could tell.

All I wanted was him to be here with me. My head on his chest hearing his heart beat. Feeling his chest rise up and down when he takes a breath. Having his strong arms wrapped around me holding me close and not letting anyone take me from him. Running my hand through his hair and having his beautiful blue eyes looking into my brown ones.

Hand in hand, his on my hip, him keeping me warm.

When he talks I can feel his voice vibrating in his chest. The way he would say my name and call me his. I just wanted my boy here with me.....now... right fucking now.

I was thinking all this, laying in his bed, crying myself to sleep with Jess trying to keep me company. She was perfect. I just needed him here with me and everything would be fine.

The one thing I had trouble doing was falling asleep. The boys located the XBox across the hall and they were being loud.

Eventually I ignored them and managed to fall asleep... not peacefully though. I literally cried myself to sleep this night.

I would wake up with red cheeks, blood shot eyes, and a stuffy nose. Hair in a messy messy high bun. In his hoodie, and spandex. This was going to be my life for the next week. No makeup, hair not done, in his shirts, and spandex or lounge pants.

No matter how much it hurt or how much he would try to get me to smile, nothing would be able to break my sadness. Not even my own boyfriend.

The only thing that would fix my heart break would be him holding me in his arms right here, right now.

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