How To NOT Stress Over Exams or Tests

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Stay organized. Set out all of your notes and organize them for each subject. You want to study a little bit each night instead of cramming everything in your brain last minute. It also helps you to stay calm a little more knowing you don't have to stress over it as much. Most teachers will give you hints and tips on what is going to be on the exam so try to keep an eye out for that.

A healthy diet. Healthy foods are good all year around but eating energizing food will help give you energy and motivation to study, and also helps you stay awake.

Get some sleep. Sleeping is important because that is the time your brain processes most of your day, it's so destressful because to be honest that's probably the only time you won't be studying. ahaha

Plan it out. Once you recieve the question paper try to read all of the questions because sometimes one of the questions can contain the answer for another question or it can help jog you rmemory for the answer. Then for exams or any other test, it is best to do the questions you know the best. You don't want to work on a question you don't know the answer to for so long. Even if you can't remember the answer to something that is completly fine. You have to accept that you aren't going to get everything perfect because theire is like 8 pages! (That's how long my geography one is) Just relax and try your best!

Cross-checking. It can be very important to check your answers again during the last few minutes of the exam. Remeber to recheck every single question because it can be quite surprising by how many careless mistakes you might come across with.     

 Forget and don't worry. Majority of the time the exam is over people tend to worry and waste theire time discussing what other people might have gotten for a answer, which tends to worry people even more than necessary. Realize that the time to do something about the results passed when you handed the answer sheet to the examiner. Knowing how your friend did on the paper will only add more worry or stress.

Relax. An hour before the exam remember to relax! Don't stress yourself even more than you have to. Whatever you have studied for, make sure to be confident in what you have done. Take some deep breaths and just think of it as a normal but bigger test, because that is what it pretty much it is. You have made a huge journey of studying your butt off and everything is going to be worth it. Remember everything happens for a reason so if you don't get the grade you think you deserve, don't worry about it! Exams are just a teachers punishment to us since they have to put up with us everyday!

QOTD: What is your number one goal in life? 

AOTD: Become successful and make my parents proud :) Or maybe one day get this book published, that would be kewl too (wattpad should have emojis on here!)

Comment 'ily' if I have helped!

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Instagram:// Vickn31        Twittah:// V_Nguyen05

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