How to Get a Guy to Like you

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~ Be Confident. Guys like confident, interesting girls who can lead their own lives and who are true to themselves.

Don't be fake. When I say that I mean make sure to be yourself. I know,  very cliché but you shouldn't have to change for anyone. The right person will come along.

~ Get Noticed. You can't expect a guy to like you if they don't even know you exist. If you guys are in the same class then sit next to him and try to strike up a conversation. Ask him questions about himself because who doesn't like to talk about themselves? Try to see if you have anything in common and the conversation should go off from there. Don't lie that you like what he likes. He'll eventually find out and it will make it worst for yourself.

~ A normal guy. He is a human boy. Not an alien from outer space. Try to Breathe and act normal around the guy you like. It might be hard but focus on one subject and just talk about that. Or if you're in the same class just ask a question and he'll most likely answer.

~ Having a good sense of humour. If you're too serious or straight-faced all the time, he may find you intimidating and unapproachable, which is the last thing you want. Crack a joke. Even if it is lame! If he's friendly and all he'll at least Crack a smile and try to say another bad joke or something. Make him feel comfortable talking to you.

~ Helpful friends. Letting your friends in on the situation is probably a good idea - they can help strategize to get the two of you together, and also diffuse any awkward situations. They also know where you stand on the relationship front and won't start falling for him themselves.

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