How To Change Up Your Hot Chocolate

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~  Hershey chocolate bars can sweeten out of your drink a little more, take a grater and sprinkle a few shreds of of it, into your drink or on the whipped cream.

~ A scoop of ice cream makes it really creamy and thick. Make sure your hot chocolate is as hot as you can get it without allowing it to boil, and pop in a scoop of your favorite ice cream.

~ Peanut butter or Nutella. Take a cup and place a tablespoon of peanut butter or nutella into it and then fill it with milk. After you'll want to put it in the microwave for 2-3 minutes. Once it finishes you can add marshmallows or whipped cream to finish off the taste.

~ Caramel. One tablespoon of caramel sauce can make a huge difference to your hot chocolate. Spoon in your favorite brand and stir before you take your first sip.

~  Try placing a peppermint stick or even one of those peppermint candies you picked up at your last restaurant visit or you can even try mashing it up and place the crumbs in the drink like that. It helps add a different flavor, and a great smell. It's also great if you’ve got a cold.

~ After placing a little of your whip cream try sprinkling some of the coffee powder and small parts of pretzels to add some caffeine and crunchy texture to it.

~ Try pouring in some coffee creamer to really change up the taste. There is a huge collection of different ones to choose from

~ Add in some coconut milk or coconut extract. Top it with toasted coconut bits and a little chocolate syrup for a girl scout cookie drink.

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AOTD: The cool breeze (known as the weather) and the beautiful scenery.
Comment 'ily'  if I have helped!

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