Becoming & Staying Healthy + Alternative Food Ideas

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Finding Motivation.

One of the biggest reason why some people choose not to exercise is because they are on their phone , laptop or any other electronic. I know I'm guilty but the easiest way to change things is to use it as motivation. Things to help you are fitness apps.

You can find different apps like 7 minutes workout where you only have to work out for 7 minutes, it gives you different exercises and you can choose different ones to do. Myfitnesspal is a place where you can keep track of the calories that you keep track during the day.

Another way is on social media. You can find many different and motivating ig pages where they concentrate on becoming healthier. If you don't like to go to the gym or anything try joining a sports team or going outside for either a walk or even biking. These small things can be really helpful to not only to get active but it can help you clear your mind and take a break from anything stressing you out.

Eating Healthier.

For 21 days try to not eat candy, cake, chips, white bread, fast food, pop/soda chocolate and ice cream. You should be able to see a difference afterwards.

Alternative for candy can be fruits dipped into dark chocolate -even though it says no chocolate, dark chocolate is good for you which is an exception- frozen yogurt can be an alternative for ice cream and cake while kale or spinach chips can be good for you instead of chips and instead of any sugary drinks you can have a smoothie or flavored water. Something I find helps is drinking Perrier water with some lemon in it.

To stay away from unhealthy foods try hiding them or keep the ones you want to eat on any cheat day which is when you have a break from all of the exercising and healthy eating for the day but it doesn't mean to pig out. Don't think you need to starve yourself from one of your favorite sweets, instead just eat it in proportions instead of all at once.

Working Out.

Even if you don't have instagram or even pinterest you can go on Google and image search work out routines or even on YouTube blogilates is a great YouTube account that does the work for you of making a new playlist every day for you and she also has some recipes that you can try making.

70% is eating healthy while 30% is working out. Eating healthy foods like vegetables and fruits will help lower your intake during the day and cardio will help work off the excess skin and show off your muscle.

Happy Lifestyles. Disclaimer.

This is to help you become happier and live a healthier lifestyle and not to achieve a perfect body because their is always room for improvement. This is to help you out for either inspiration or help you along the way. If you guys would like I'd be happy enough to make a alternative healthy meal ideas.

"Train like a beast look like a beauty" - Cassey Ho (Blogilates)

When your legs get tired, run with your heart.

Let your mind decide what you do, not your body.

It may hurt now but one day it will be your warm up.

QOTD: Happy Easter! Can we get this to 15 votes? Are you guys doing anything for Easter?

AOTD: Sadly no but I hope you guys have an amazing day :) sorry I did

Comment 'ily' if I have helped! Don't forget to vote and comment suggestions!

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