Skin Remedies - Facial Mask

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Whiteheads. A mixture of one egg (white content of egg) and honey (one spoon) can be applied on the affected area in order to treat whiteheads.

Apple Cider Vinegar. It kills off the bacteria that may be causing all the trouble in the first place. Wash your face with water and pat dry. Using around 1 part vinegar to 3 parts water, dip a cotton ball into vinegar and apply it directly to the blemish. Leave on for at least 10 minutes, or overnight. Reapply several times a day, washing face thoroughly after each time. Make sure to use a moisturizer afterwards as well if you feel like your skin is getting dry.

Blackheads. Mix 1/2 tablespoon of raw honey and 1 teaspoon fine salt. gently rub the scrub on the affected areas. let sit for a few minutes. rinse with cool water. Or you can take half a lemon and drizzle a small amount of raw honey on the open half of the lemon. rub directly onto the affected areas. let it sit a few minutes. rinse with cool water.

Oily Skin. Egg whites will tighten your pores, as it contains proteins that replenish the skin, and remove the excess oil making your skin acne free. Separate the white and the yolk. Mix together, a lemon and egg white and blend it for about a minute otherwise the mixture will be unpleasant to apply. Apply the paste on a dry face and keep the paste for 15 minutes on your face. Once the mask gets dried, wash it off with Luke -warm water.

Aspirin Mask. The acid that is in the pill is a great anti-acne product. Crush the pill with the help of a spoon and a little water to make a paste. And if you want a thick consistency add a little bit of honey. Honey will also help unclog clog pores, it is great for slowing down aging and it is a great moisturizer. Apply the paste all over the face, for ten minutes. Close your eyes and relax and you shoud feel refreshed.

Dry Skin. The oil in an avocado is a great moisturising. Mash half an avocado until it forms a thick consistency. Mix a tsp of honey and water. Apply it on a dry face for 15 minutes and wash off. And, if your skin is extra dry, use olive oil instead of water.

Moisturizing Skin. Mix 2 Tbsps of uncooked oatmeal, with 1 cup of milk in a pan. Boil the mixture on a low flame, until the oatmeal forms a thick paste. The lactic acid in the milk helps to brighten the skin. Apply the mixture for 20 minutes, and wash off. Your skin will feel soft and supple afterwarrds.

Blemished Skin.  Take two Tbsps of pumpkin puree and half tsp of honey, along with some fresh cream. Leave the paste for 10 minutes and pat dry.

Dull Skin. Take two bananas and mash them until it forms a paste. Add two Tbsps of honey for extra nourishment. Apply the mask for ten minutes, on a dry face. Before you remove the mask, massage your face for five minutes.

Sensitive Skin. Mix a cup of unflavoured yogurt, for a dry and clean skin. Apply the mask for 20 minutes. The acid in the yogurt will lighten your facial hair and follicles. If you have a sunburnt skin, you can mix a tsp of Aloe Vera gel, for a cooling effect.

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