Helpful Apps For School

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Mathway. You can download the app or go on their website. You type in a math problem and it will give you the correct answer, and if you can pay monthly they'll explain the problem step by step to help you get better.

myHomework. This app is also free, you can organize all your assignments and school work. it will alert you on your phone when things are due and it's a good app to have if you need help being organized.

inClass. This free app lets your take notes for all your classes, you can take photo notes, voice notes, and video notes, it will also let you stay organized with your homework.

studyblue. This app helps your make flash cards on your phone. it's actually a really neat study app and it shows you your score on how well you did with your flash cards.

Quizlet.  This is very simiar to studyblue but it also contains 'fun games' that you can play to help you study.

myScript Calculator. You can hand write your math problem on your screen and it shows you the answer like an other calculator. It's a fun way than just using a plain calculator.

The homework app. This app lets you color coat your subjects and check your 'dashboard' for all your upcoming assignments. the format reminds me of a windows 8 but I think this app can be really helpful during the school year.

study room. This is a good app for you to form a study group, share notes and work on your homework together.

I'll be changing days of when I wil be updating because I'm trying to figure out a day that I can stick to. I only said Friday because it was only during Summer break so please bear with me. 

QOTD: What is your most used app?

AOTD: Wattpad, Instagram or Music 

Comment 'ily'  if I have helped!

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