How To Get Noticed On Wattpad

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~ Choose a interesting topic to write about

~ Make the story unpredictable. Put in a lot of cliff hangers to keep the reader interested

~ Have original ideas. Don't take an idea from another story that you have read. Not only will it be fraud but your reader might have already read something similar to it so they will not be interested into finishing your book

~ Have a nice and organized plot. Try organizing your ideas into a chart or a plot outline

~ Make sure you have good grammar. No one wants to read a book that they have to sit there trying to figure out what it means

~ Have a creative/unique cover

~ Never broadcast yourself out there. Don't go to popular pages commenting they should check out your story. (Try joining the clubs!)

~ Make sure to thank people when they vote for your story or when they follow you

~ Try making friends on wattpad. And if they really enjoy your stories they'll most likely tell someone about it

~ Update weakly. Don't wait too long to update or people will grow uninterested

~ You'll have a bigger chance of getting noticed if you write a Fan Fiction. DOES NOT mean you should write a Fan Fiction that you are uninterested in, knowing you won't finish it

~ BE PAITENT ! ¡! ¡! ¡ KEEP UPDATING EVEN AT FIRST YOU DON'T GET MANY VIEWS. Every well known book has started where you are right now!

QOTD: What should I call you lovely people who have supported me through this writing process?

BTW I didn't post yesterday because I didn't have Internet and I don't know when I'm getting it back. I'm currently at my uncle's house right now though

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