Just a rant

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Okay, so this is because I was really ticked off because of some comments I saw, and I was just so annoyed. And I just want to say something. 

Pretty much everyone hates Fitz, and I get it, we all have opinions, but some people try forcing their opinions on you and say rude things, and I just get so annoyed. Because if I like Fitz and I relate to him, I don't need people saying, "Why? You're wrong. Fitz is a huge stuck up brat. I wish he would die in a hole all alone because NO ONE CARES!" I don't need that, I don't want it.

Please, if you hate Fitz or any character for that matter, don't say rude things like that. Voice your opinions, kindly, but don't condemn others. Because I can't go a day without seeing a comment like that on the wiki, or Wattpad, or pretty much every site like that. 

Someone posted a long comment on why they like Fitz a while ago, and most of the replies were stuff like, "Are you trying to make us pity him? Because it isn't working" or "Fitz is a brat and you need to see that" or "Ugh, Fitzphiers!"

And I know most people don't do things like that, at least not on purpose but really, it can hurt. Some people say stuff like, "Who would want to date anger issues" but do you know how harmful that could be? There are actual people who have anger issues, so a) don't throw around serious accusations like that if it isn't true, and b) do you know how it would feel if someone says no one would want to date you if you have anger issues? Some people have really low self-esteem, and stuff like this can really hurt.

A lot of the time, people don't mean it that way. They truly and honestly believe their opinion, or they just say what they think. But even then, please, try to be kind and polite. Try to voice your opinions respectfully. Read over what you wrote before you post it. And don't say a bunch of really mean comments and then add "it's my opinion" at the end because that won't help. Be respectful the entire time, because remember, there are actual people that can read what you wrote. 

It's completely fine if you dislike a character, I dislike some too. And you can definitely say you dislike them. But don't target the people who wrote the comment. And don't say things that can be hurtful.

And I know I'm ranting, and I'm sorry about that. I just wanted to say this. 

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