Before Sophie-Fitz

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Fitz's life was perfect

Or so it seemed.

He worked hard in school and got good grades. Since the Great Gulon Incident, Keefe and he had somehow managed to become popular, something Fitz was surprised by. But he'd gotten used to it.

He and Keefe had dreamed of dozens of more pranks, although they both knew all Fitz did was watch. Keefe was the master.

Recently, his dad had even said that Fitz had to search for the missing girl less. That meant more time to just be a normal elf.

So yes, Fitz did like his life.

But sometimes he got a feeling like there was more.

He noticed the looks that his dad gave his fellow Emissaries. He saw how tense the Council always seemed, as they gave a speech on why the world is perfect and there's no reason to worry. He paid attention to how his mentors would steer the topic away from Exilium and issues. They all claimed the Elvin world was perfect.

But Fitz knew they were hiding something.

But what? Their world was perfect. That was what everyone told them. And why would they lie? They had no reason too.

But Fitz lied. He disappeared, going to the Forbidden Cities to find the girl. From the way his dad talked about her, Fitz knew she was important. He knew that if he found her, answers would be revealed.

His world would change.

And Fitz was ready. He wanted answers. He wanted the truth. He wanted the veils of deception lifted, so he could see the world how it was.

He wanted to know.

And then he would fix it.

Biana, his younger sister, was waiting for him as he leaped to Everglen after school. She smiled at him and asked, "Can Keefe come over so we can all play Base Quest?"

Fitz rolled his eyes. His sister's crush was getting annoying. Keefe obviously thought of Biana as a sister, which Biana refused to accept. In a way, Fitz had to appreciate Biana's resilience.

"Go ask him yourself," responded Fitz.

"He'll listen to you! Plus, he needs this after today's lunch. The nerve of that girl, insulting him like that."

Biana was probably talking about the feisty blond girl at lunch that day. She said some things that honestly seemed extremely rude to Fitz. He and Keefe had been best friends for years, and then a girl just comes up and says whatever she wants, like she knew Keefe better than him. Maybe she did.

But that didn't matter. Because right then, Fiz could see it had hurt Keefe. And maybe a game of Base Quest could help. Fitz hated seeing Keefe so quiet and shaken. He'd even left lunch early, which was even more shocking, considering the fact that he'd said dozens of times that lunch was the best subject.

"Fine. I'll hail him. But maybe you should hail Maruca. Then we could play Base Quest with an even number of people."

Biana nodded, and they pulled out their Imparters to make the hails.

10 minutes later, they were all ready to play. Fitz noticed that Keefe seemed better, and was smiling and joking around again. That was good. They split up, Maruca and Biana against Keefe and Fitz.

Keefe said, "I'm questing!"

Fitz laughed and rolled his eyes. "I never get to quest. Give me a chance."

Keefe stuck his tongue out at Fitz, and ran away, leaving Fitz to guard the base. Typical.

10 minutes later, nothing had happened. Fiz was beyond bored. He decided to have a look around. He walked through the trees, searching for a glimpse of Biana's pale pink tunic, or Maruca's long dreadlocks.


Fitz whirled around, expecting a large animal or something. Instead, he found his sister sprawled facedown on the ground, hair a mess. She wasn't moving.

Oh no.

Fitz rushed to his sister. Did she fall from a tree? Why was she climbing a tree? What just happened? Was she okay?

He knelt down beside her, about to barrage her with questions, when a triumphant yell came from the base. He shot to his feet, and next to him, Biana also jumped up, not hurt at all.

Maruca came running towards them, smiling. "We tricked you guys! And won!"

Biana was smiling too. "Best idea ever!"

Fitz was in shock. "Wh- wai- yo-I thought you were hurt!"

Biana said, "Fitz. It was a trick. I was pretending. And we won."

"I was terrified!"

Biana rolled her eyes. "Sorry. But get over it."

Keefe had come now. "What happened?" Noticing everyone's expressions, he sighed. He'd figured it out. "Fitz. I gave you one job. How did you lose? I was so close to getting the flag, and then I heard screaming and I find this." Keefe was smiling, though, which showed that he wasn't too upset.

"They tricked me!" Fitz said pointing at Biana and Maruca, who looked infuriatingly pleased with themselves.

Keefe tilted his head. "How?"

Biana and Maruca described every single detail of their win to Keefe, which sadly, Fitz also had to endure, as they walked back to the house. Keefe looked like himself again, as they sat down to some mallowmelt.

Fitz gazed outside from the window, as Keefe, Maruca, and Biana talked and laughed as they ate.

His life may not be perfect, but it was pretty good.

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