Chapter: 10 Enter Sandman

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Niall's P.O.V

"Okay, well it's lights out here." She said. "So I have to go. Night, and thanks once again."

I chuckled. "Night, and stop thanking me."

She laughed. "Thank you, now night!" She hung up.

I sighed and lowered my phone from my ear. I sat there on my hotel bed looking down at my phone's black screen. It was dark all around me, since it was three in the morning in Oslo. This hotel had a complete private level, so I had no nosy roommate to deal with tonight. I laid my phone down on the bed and rubbed my eyes. There was a six hour difference now between Samantha and me, so I usually would go to bed earlier and set an alarm to talk to her right before 9p.m there.

Today I woke up at 2a.m and we talked for about an hour like usual. Except this time, I called her on her cell phone. When she picked up the phone, she was giddy and a little hyper because she had been going through her phone all day. She kept thanking me for the phone over and over. Each time she thanked me though, I would laugh and shake my head and tell her to stop thanking me but she never listened.

Samantha told me she already loved the code green much more then any other level in the hospital. She had freedom, and people to talk to who weren't creepy or insane, and of course she had a phone now. She liked how she could go to the lunchroom and get a fork for her salad instead of wasting time with a spoon. She liked being able to take selfies for the first time and she sent me everyone. And she even liked her roommate with two names, they were talking and laughing even as I was on the phone with her. She really seems to be doing better.

I crawled up the headboard of the bed and slipped under the wool warm sheets. I was tired, and I knew I had to get up in about three hours to move on in the tour. It crossed my mind when I was settled in bed that maybe I shouldn't have called her today for the sake of my sleep. But if I didn't talk to her, I would feel ill and horrible for not calling her today, especially if she received her phone. Plus, she was so happy today, I would have hated myself if I didn't call her. She was worth getting up in the middle of the night, weary eyed and yawning especially if it meant she was bubbly and happy.

I closed my eyes and hoped to drift off into dream land. But before I could, my mind asked me a question I had not thought about in a long time.

Do I fancy Samantha?

I squeezed my eyes tightly and shook my head. No, no I did not like her, I couldn't. I mean she has such a nice personality, and she is pretty with her short but cute straight brown hair, and the way she smiles could light up a room, but I mean I can't do long distance relationships. Thinking of her made me sigh. I didn't like her, is all I kept saying in my head.

I tucked my arm under the pillow and with my other arm, I grabbed my phone still sitting on the bed. I unlocked it and went to Samantha's contact profile. She had sent me about a million selfies as I already said, and I couldn't help but scroll through them and smirk. She looked so happy. She was smiling in one looking beautiful, and then in the next it shows her roommate photo bombing and Samantha has her eyes closed and her mouth in a full on smile, laughing. A smile crept across my face. I didn't like her, is what I said in my head.

I didn't like her. But I swiped away the picture and saw her with a cute smile on her face, blush covered her cheeks and her eyes were so big and innocent, I knew what I thought was a lie to myself. I didn't like her I said once more, whispering it instead of just thinking it. I didn't like her, I assured my self.
I smiled finally and continued through her selfies. I was denying it. I was trying not to like her. But I was only denying myself.

Now, all I can say is, I think I like Samantha.


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