Chapter: 30 Don't You Worry Child

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Niall's P.O.V.

"Shit!" I shouted.

Following that I felt something soft hit the back of my neck. "Hey! Do not cuss you asshole!" Louis, my roommate for the stay in Vermont, corrected me.

I turned around and shot him an evil glance. Then, I looked down at my heels to see the pillow missing from his bed. I grunted, and turned back to my phone in my hands. I couldn't believe what was on the screen in front of me. Already? Why? I threw the phone on my bed behind me, and began pacing through the room.

"What's wrong mate? Who died?" Louis asked only being half serious.

I just pointed to the phone lying helpless on the bed, and slapped my hands down on my thighs in defeat. Louis reached for my phone and grabbed it to see what was causing me my pain. He began to read it, and as he read through the article, I paced faster, constantly starting to pull at the ends of my hair.
"Ahhh," Louis commented, pointing at the screen with a smirk. "I see what's wrong here. You think you look fat in this picture."

Normally, if something like that came out of Louis' mouth, I would laugh, or at least smack the back of his head. But I was not in the mood to deal with joking, so I gave Louis a cold stare. "No, that's not the problem." Was the only words I was able to muster. I said it rather heartless and scary, but I think the tone in my voice got the point across that I'm serious.

"Sorry lad." He apologized. "What's really wrong? Because I don't see a problem."

I walked to his side to look at my phone with him. He handed it to me and I pointed to the picture. "That's what's wrong!"

"The picture?" He squinted his eyes and came super close to the screen. "It just looks like you and your girlfriend snogging. What's wrong with it?"

"That's exactly what is wrong!" I exclaimed using hand motions. "That picture isn't even the one I took! The one I took is lower on the page, but the top one is the one bothering me!"

"Whoa Niall, settle," Louis attempted to calm me down like an animal. "I still don't understand. If you took a photo with her, then what's wrong with media taking your picture with her?"

"Did you read the article?"

"Yeah. I mean, I skimmed it, but same difference."

"In the picture I took... Here..." I scrolled down the page until I found it, seeing my tweet with a picture of Samantha and me. "

"Okay..." He said, starting to process everything.

"In the picture I took, in the background all you see is the sidewalk edge and the car Joe leant me." I explained. I felt like a detective trying to explain the case someone else. "You can't see a license plate or anything personal of that sort. But, the other picture someone took, you can see the 'S 4th St' sign, the Bagel Store Sign, and some what that abracadabra café thing."

"Oh no," Louis said, maybe finally understanding the problem. "Doesn't she live around there?" Finally he was starting to put two and two together.

"Yeah. And she walked to that bagel store." I scrolled down to the bottom of the page to show a picture of her walking home side by side with a picture of her going into her apartment. The one of her at home didn't exactly show where she lived which was good, but if one New Yorker fan knows their way around that side of town they can find her house and spread the word. "See? That's her going inside her apartment. They literally followed her home."

"Will anyone be able to track her down you think?" Louis asked.

I shrugged. "I don't know for sure, but I know a lot of people living there walk everywhere. And while it's scary to think about, someone is bound to know Brooklyn well enough to find her house."

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