Chaptet: 32 Love Bites

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Niall's P.O.V.

I could not believe what Samantha's text to me was. I was not awake when she originally sent it at four in the morning, but when I read it at nine, I was flabbergasted.

Hi. I know u rnt awake, at least I hope not, but my apartment was broken into and stuff about me was written demonically on the wall. I was in a stare down with some girls coming home, I was threatened, and the police are making my road a check on part of their route. I'm sorry for all this, but I'm scared and I didn't know how to tell you.

I knew she was at work by now, so I didn't dare reply and set her phone off. I sighed and decided I would make a call to her soon, when she goes to lunch. I told the guys about it, and they all were as shocked as I was. None of us knew how hard this would hit. I told management, and everyone I could just to inform them, because of us, me, someone is in danger. I did call the NYC police station for further information. Luckily, some police officer told me the cased was a closed operation, and no news or public media would know about the break in or harassment because it doesn't pose any harm to anyone but Samantha. And even in her case, the law is protecting her nonchalantly enough to not raise suspicion. It all still made my stomach churn to know what I caused.

The other guys tried to convince me it was not my fault, but I do not believe them. They also tried to tell me that it was over and done with now, and the future was only bright. It was a load of piss, but they were only trying to comfort me. To make matters worse, it was the day to pack up and head off to Cleveland. I had to go even farther away from Samantha and New York. While it was a good thing, the same time, I was scared to leave her behind like that. But what other choice did I have?

I finished the help of loading things into the vans, and from there the Five of us all piled in to a mini van. The car ride wasn't a very long one, but it was so dead silent for a group like us. It honestly made things nerve wracking. It gave me time to think of what I should do, and what could happen. It did occur to me that maybe they could kill her, but I doubt anything would get that brutal. And like every worse case scenario, it just had to pop into my head.
We made it to the airport and got through after about an hour of struggle. We boarded the flight and still, no one said a word. It was odd to know it, but it was obvious what was on everyone's mind. I sighed and buckled up. I hate this silence. I hate silence period. No one talked, everyone just got on their electronics and Harry stared into space. Was it just me or was no one on the plane talking? Am I going crazy? I don't like this feeling. I don't want to leave, and I do. I don't want to talk about this, and I do. How about someone say something about the situation I but some poor innocent girl into, and get it out? We all understand it is my fault anyways, so someone say it! I started to bounce my leg up and down. I think I had some anxiety. I tried calming myself with deep breaths, when if occurred to me I should call Samantha now, before the plane starts moving. I pulled out my phone and unlocked it. There were voices in my head telling me what I should say to her. A lot of voices. It hurt.

I pulled up her contact and almost called her, when the pilot came on with their words of wisdom to the passengers, and their rules. I sighed with anger, putting my phone back in my pocket. Shit. By the time I am able to pull it back out, she'll be back on the clock. Great use of time. My leg bounced up and down, up and down. I felt my face go red. I think I've been given too much time to think. This stress escalated so quickly. Someone talk! Please, someone mention this or talk about kittens! I feel anxious as all hell now, and I want to scream. What if I am the one responsible for it all? What if I'm called back to New York even later today to find her dead? I shouldn't think about these things, and there is no way in hell someone will kill her, so I need to stop. But I can't! I can't!

Next thing I know, I feel a strong shake of my shoulder. I blink fast and repeatedly until I look over to my side. Liam. I gave him a scowl, unintentional, but my tomato face still looked mad. His eyes stared me down with concern. It didn't take some psychiatrist to know something was wrong with me. "You okay lad?" He asked me.

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