Chapter: 35 Thinking of You

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Samantha's P.O.V.

"Yeah, he hasn't answered at all." I moaned to Elly-Ann. She sat criss cross applesauce on top of her bed. She was in her blue Mickey mouse pajamas, making her look like she was at some sixth grade sleepover. I sat across from her on the green loveseat, or newly appointed, my bed. We both had those little macaroni and cheese cups in our hands, and water bottles at our sides. It was clear we only eat the finest cuisine.

She stuffed her mouth of macaroni shells before speaking. Like I said earlier, we are the clear the top of the top when it comes to eating delicacies. "Damn." She commented and swallowed. She had seemed to answer my earlier words with a cuss word, but that is not what she was cussing about. "This is exquisite macaroni. My compliments to the chef." She licked her finger of cheese and threw it in the air to be silly.

I couldn't resist the temptation to laugh. "I'm serious here." I said laughing. "He isn't answering my calls like he use too."

Elly-Ann shrugged her shoulders and looked down to her cup. "Who knows? Maybe he is too busy ranking up minutes on one of those porn calls."

I smirked and shoveled food into my mouth. "I thought I told you I was being serious?"

"Hey, I'm being as earnest and stoned face as I possibly can." She raised one hand in defense. And she only sent one up because the other was busy pushing food into her potty mouth.

"Aww, c'mon..." I whined. I was begging her for a serious response. I wanted her input.

"Okay!" She snapped sarcastically. "I believe that he is protecting you. Or at least, that is what my integrity is telling me."

I slowly, and dramatically looked up at her face. My face, stone cold. I knew that was probably a major a factor, if not the only, in why Niall is not responding to me. "Yes," I said. "That sounds about right."

"It would be the only explanation that makes sense." She scooped the ring in her cup of all the pasta and finished it off when she brought her fork up to her mouth. "He loved you too much to leave you to peruse another. And plus, he has done this before. I think he feels the need to protect everyone around him before he tries to build a relationship."

My eyes boggled and jumped out of my skull. "Wait. How do you know he has done this before?"

She gave me a criminal chilling smirk. "The library down the street has a computer and Google. It did not take much digging to find out Niall Horan has had quite a few relationships that have fallen flat once the media caught a wiff of them."

"Oh," I dropped my stare and looked down to my cup of mac and cheese. "It hadn't occurred to me to look up on the internet about this."

Elly-Ann turned away from me and towards the rear of her bed. She aimed and tossed the cup with an arch of her arm. It flew for a short time, before collapsing NEAR the trash can. "Shit." She said, then turned back to me. "Yeah it was easy to find out about him. Trust me, it turns out he dated some model about a year back for a short time. Then the media became public with the story of them, and he broke it off with her, claiming on Twitter they are only good friends."
She took a drink of her water and gargled before swallowing. "And some good friends they turned out to be. No one has heard shit about them ever hanging out again."

I finished off my dinner, and walked over to the trash can and threw away the garbage. I even picked up Elly-Ann's cup and threw it away. I'm a good person. "Do you suppose the same will happen to Niall and me?" I gulped. I didn't want to break ties with him. He knew he had kind of become my best friend. He would be a first class idiot to leave me now.

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