Chapter: 15 Christmas Time is Here

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Niall's P.O.V

"That's what makes you beautiful!" We all stopped in unison and the crowd roared. It was our last song of the night, and our last stop on our very long tour. It was close enough to home, since we were in Dublin, which would make it quite easy on all of us to get home for the holidays. Christmas was coming, and I couldn't wait to be home and annoy my family to hell and back once more. We bowed and thanked the crowd repeatedly for coming to the show, and then with a strobe light flash, everything went black and we made our way off stage.

Even behind all the scenes, I could still hear the screams of girls all around. I always smiled hearing the fans cheer, because I knew they were cheering for us. A dream I had wished for ever since I was five and decided I wanted to be a singer. All those girls made my day everyday, and I always feel like the most blessed person in the world when I can hear them, even though the show is over. Without them, I feel like I wouldn't have as much drive to continue performing, and even though they don't admit it, they are the best people in the world. I was given high fives as I made my way backstage by crew and I cheered for myself in a non-conceded way. I took out my annoying ear piece, and threw my arms into the air.

I approached the dressing room, all the other guys behind me, and pushed open the door. There stood more crew members and management with little confetti poppers. All five of us made it in the room and they pulled the strings, shooting out bits of color around us to dance to the ground. We cheered and whooed and hugged. Harry talked me into chest bumping him, and it didn't work out as well as we hoped, pretty much missing, but we had the hearts to laugh about it. We had done a meet and greet eariler today, so now, all that was left was a quick meet and greet with backstage passed fans.

We quickly had our hair redone, and we sprayed ourselves with cologne to cover the mask of body oder. We primped, and us and security made our way to the meet and greet room. We used the back door of the room, and when we entered, we could hear girly whispers on the other side of the front door. I smiled. Make it great, actually, change that. Make it the best experience for them for the rest of this year, it is your last for a long time. "Ready?" Liam questioned us as he quickly pulled up his black jeans. I nodded, looking at the front doors the security were about to open. "Let's do this." I cracked my fingers.

The doors flung open, and first few girls made their ways inside. Some were silent, but smiled ear to ear. Others, started screaming at the sight of us. Either way, I gladly hugged them and signed what they gave me. I got to talk to some of them, and one girl named Niamh even asked me to sign her arm so she could get it tattooed there later. I would have never guessed as a little kid one day I would be signing things so people could get my signature permanently inked onto their bodies. It was kind of cool.
I went about hugging each girl, talking to them and listening to their comments like normal, then finally, at 11:30P.M. they were escorted out by security delaying their good-byes as much as possible. We all looked at each other and smiled when they exited the room. Those girls may have been a little crazy, but we knew we loved them.

Escorted back to the dressing rooms by security in case of a runaway fan, we made it to the room and closed the door. When we came through the door though, we saw a few people waiting for us.

"Hi!" They all greeted us simultaneously. They probably spent the past five minutes practicing being in sync. It was the One Direction girlfriends.

Liam ran up and scooped up his love, Taylor, up into a bone crushing hug. She squeezed her arms around his neck in a warm embrace. Those two were always being super romantic. It made me 'aw' and throw up a bit at the same time.
Zayn went up and gently kissed Perrie on the lips. She grabbed his face and brought him in for a smooch. Louis hugged his girlfriend Eleanor in a sweet way. He kissed her cheek like they were an old married couple, and she kissed the tip of his nose giggling.

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