Chapter: 12 If It's Love

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Niall's P.O.V.

I've known Sammie for a good couple of months now, and really I think we are good friends. The phone I got her has Skype capability, and she loves using it. She loves calling me and talking on the web cam. I know it is all new and exciting to use, but dear lord do we need so many (mooning) icons?

I was in Warsaw, Poland, the night before we had to leave. We just performed another exceptional concert, and all showered, when Harry suggest we do a twit cam video. Feeling rather awake, we all agreed to it, and soon found ourselves covering our Twitter pages with the news. 

We posted to do it in about twenty minutes, and twenty minutes was enough time to get ready. We gathered some snacks from the hallway vending machines, hoarded pillows from all of our rooms, and set up the cameras and lights in Harry's room. We warned management about not bothering us, then we all went into the hotel room and closed the door.

We all sat around the camera, criss cross applesauce, in a semi circle. The camera light went red and we knew we were on. 7,300 viewers already; it blew my mind. "Hi!" We all seemed to greet the camera simultaneously. 

"If you lovely people didn't already know, we are currently on tour, in Toronto..." Harry looked at us with uncertainty, and Liam chuckled. He mouth to him Warsaw. "I mean Warsaw!" Harry smiled.

"That's in Poland!" Louis made clear to all those who didn't know there geography. We all laughed a little bit, and turned our attention towards the computer to read through the comments.

"So, today, we kind of did this without any reason." Liam explained. "We don't have anything cool or new to announce, but we can answer questions to get something going here."

I pointed to the screen and laughed at the sight of a user asking if we all ever slept in the same bed. "BetterBet_Violet asks if we ever all tried to share a bed." I announced, laughing widely. I looked towards the other guys to see their responses. 

"Um, well there was that one time in America we had a big room, like a massive room, all on the top floor and while we could pair off in twos for the beds, we all huddled together in Harry and Zayn's bed because it was cold as hell up there." Louis said, exaggerating with his hands.

"What?!" I squeaked, and my voice cracked. "Cold as hell?!" I smiled.

"Well yeah it was cold as hell!" Louis said. "No one ever said it wasn't cold there!" 

"But hell is all fire and heat!" I squealed back. "It isn't snowing! That is too fun for hell!"

Louis face-palmed. "I never said it had to be snowing Niall! I just said it was cold." He laughed and shoved my face back.

He clapped his hands together. "Okay, moving on?"

"MaritzaCat asks how is it touring with 5SOS." Liam read another comment. He chuckled to himself, than looked directly into the camera lens. "Oh we absolutely hate them. They are always bullying us, and throwing us, literally, under the bus." 

"Oh yeah, they are horrible people," Zayn chimed in. "One time that Luke guy tripped me down concrete stairs and then spit on me when I got to the bottom."

"Yeah," Harry shook his head. "They are horrible people." He said smirking, making everyone's sarcasm only more obvious.

"Next question!" Louis said rubbing his hands together and looking at the computer screen. We all stared at the screen looking at the comments roll and the audience size grow, when suddenly I felt my pocket vibrate. My ears were filled with You're So Vain, my ring-tone for some unknown reason. It is acceptable for a adult male to have Carly Simon as their ring-tone, okay? No judging. 

The guys started to laugh. "Next question," Zayn said with a laugh. "Why is Niall's ring-tone Carly Simon?"

I slipped my phone out of my pocket, and with my left hand, I pushed back Zayn's face. "Don't judge you ass face." I commented rather calmly.

I looked down at my phone, but out of the tops of my eyes I could see Louis' mouth make an "O" and his eyebrows raise. "Niall!" He corrected me. "We are talking to the fans! You can't just cuss in front of them willy nilly you dip shit!"

I grinned as I unlocked my phone. I went to my messages and saw Samantha had messaged me saying, "Up for some Skype? (:"

Harry, peered over my shoulder and got in my business, reading the message. I didn't really know how to respond, so I just ignored him and pulled up the keyboard.

"Na, not right now." I texted Samantha. "I'm doing a twit cam with the guys. Turn it on if you want to see my lovely face! (;"

Harry stopped looking at my phone, and as I was about to lock up my phone again, he came up with a great question that I would later kill him for. No one knows to this day what happened to Harry after that.

"@Harry_Styles asks, who is Niall's new bae that he never stops talking to?" He said, looking directly at me with a wide smirk. The smart ass. 

"Yeah." Liam said, his hand under his chin, making him look like he was well educated. "You are always Skyping and texting. Who is the bae?" He said putting a very poor, over emphasis of the word 'bae'.

"I don't have a bae," I stated shaking my head. I locked my phone and crept it into my pants' pocket. 

"Oh c'mon!" Louis whined. "Tell the fans who is the new bae?" He put the same retarded sounding accent on 'bae'. 

"Yeah who is the bae?" Zayn said, the word being said wrong and annoying again. 

"As I said." I laughed. "I have no bae!"

"You guys!" Louis screamed. "Comment now if you want to know who Niall's new bae is!" He directed straight into the camera. He didn't even bother looking at the computer to read the comments. Before I knew it, he had his hand in my pocket and got my phone out. The bastard. "I'm taking this all as a yes!" He laughed.

"Hey give it back!" I whined liked a kid.

"What's his password?" Louis asked Liam.

"Try 5-8-2-5," Liam replied.

I fell over Harry's lap and tried reaching my phone back from Louis. "Giveeeeee." I said in a pathetic voice.

He pressed the suggested buttons, and of course they were right. I sighed. He pressed the screen a few more times, until his eyes grew wide and he grinned. "Just so no one of you fans kill her, I'll leave it at, she is an American." He looked at me. "Niall! You never told us anything about her!"

"What is she like?" Harry laid his elbows on his knees I got up from. He was purposely trying to look like a girl at a spin bottle party. 

I snatched my phone out of Louis' hands and shoved it back into my pocket. I felt my face go hot, and knew I was mildly blushing. I had hoped no one noticed. "She is a good friend."

"Don't you mean bae?" Zayn laughed. 

I rolled my eyes. "She is not my bae," I said it like a retard, mocking them from earlier. "She is just a friend."

Harry rolled his eyes. "Of course," He snarled sarcastically. He looked directly into the camera. "By Christmas, I will bet you are all going to hear about Niall and his bae finally. Just all of you wait."

"Next question!" Liam said as he eyeballed something on the screen. "ZoeFrancis asks when did you all..."

I suddenly toned him out and looked down at my legs. My face blushed harder. I kind of was blocking out the voices of all the other guys. Great, now the world knew about Samantha. Not saying she is my girlfriend or anything as some will claim, but I just hope no one finds out who she is. She will be teased and hated on if people think I'm dating her.

I don't think the guys know what they have just done.

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