Chapter: 33 The Unforgettable Fire

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Samantha's P.O.V.

"No you won't require skin grafting." The doctor told me peering over the laptop she attached to her forearm. She said it with such a big smile, like it was a good thing.

"Okay." I mustered, sitting in this recliner type hospital chair. I had been waiting for an hour in this odd chair, with my leg elevated on some cold rubber blue slab. The burn was actually not that horrible considering I literally caught on fire, but it was larger than 3 inches, meaning it was a severe second degree burn. Surprisingly, it did not hurt when my leg was on fire, but it hurt a lot after the fire was off me. It ached and burnt as though the devil bit into my leg. I screamed in bloody horror while I was on the sidewalk surrounded by paramedics. It was the worst pain I have ever encountered. I felt as though my leg was going to fall off for a while, and in my head I almost wished it had so I would no longer suffer.

It was morning now, and the entire night I had stayed up under observation of doctors. I was given many medications, I was examined up and down by doctors, my leg was tested and treated by surgeons to determine the burn and what was needed to do. I was so tired. I wanted to go home and sleep. But I knew my bed and loveseat got the worst beating of it all.

"You can go home soon Ms. McBloom." The doctor set down her laptop on a table, studying it. "Since your burn was no chemical or electrical burn, you can be released now."

That was some uplifting news. "Thank you." I said in a blissful sigh.

She smiled. "You're welcome." She turned back to her computer. "Now we are going to issue you two pain relievers to take twice daily until the bottle runs out. Also, we will give you a creamer, Silver Sulfadiazine to put on once or twice a day. It will help the pain and prevent infections." She looked back towards me now. She walked over to me, and put a tiny bottle in my hand. "This is a burn ointment I want you to apply every time you rebandage your burn. Rebandage it two or three times a day."

"This is a lot of medication doc," I giggled as I took the cream bottle.

"Yes it is." She shook her head. "Good for you, that was the last of the medicine. Now I'm just going to go over some other treatments. We have given you a tetanus shot here and if there is any complications with chest pains please contact us. Now when more dead skin shows up, gently pick it off but do not pop any blisters. Popping one of them could lead to infection and other problems. If you want to sooth it, or wash it, do it gently with soap and water. Now if you wish, you can wash it with salt water but it must be germ free. But, as long as you wash it, you will be fine. Do not scratch even if it is itchy, do not put oil on it, don't put ice on it, and I'm going to ask you to sponge bath for a while due to the cover on the burn."

"Excuse me," I said unintentionally raising my hand. Night school pays off I guess. "What kind of bandaging do I put over it?"

She dug her hand into the pocket of her doctor's coat and pulled out a sling type thing for my leg. It is hard to explain how it looks, but it reminded me of a sling or a knee brace. "This garment is yours. It will prevent at least most scarring, and it will help your mobility so you don't develop a limp. And for the first two weeks I want you to wear sterilized bandages underneath the garment as well." She handed me the garment and I took it. "Now, we are going to want to check on it when the first two weeks are up to see the progress. If we give it the okay then, you will move on to wearing just the garment." She finally stopped talking.

"Okay." I said. I really doubted I could remember all of this, but I was going to try. However a better idea popped into my mind. "Um, Doctor Reed?" I questioned. "Do you think I could get all of this in writing? You know, so I can look back and remember later."

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