Chapter: 2 Nothing Left to Say

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Samantha's P.O.V.

I opened the door. What was behind the door was nothing new or better. It was the same as it was yesterday. I threw my keys to the floor and jumped onto the red sofa. I buried my face into the cushion and played 20 depressing questions with myself again. Before I could have my calm state though, I felt my throat burn. I was thirsty, so I went to check my mini fridge on the other side of the room.

I took a peek inside. A Pepsi can half full from my trip to the gas station yesterday night for some grocery shopping, a box labeled Carlton's Chicken Hut filled with chicken legs I didn't have to pay for, some ketchup, and an almost empty carton of orange juice. I set my sights on the orange juice, grabbed it and decided to finish it off. 

The juice tingled my throat, but made it less scratchy. And right as I was beginning to enjoy it, like most things in my life, it had to disappear. I shook the carton and made sure not to leave anything behind. I then walked to the front door, with the carton in my hands, and decided to go outside now.

My apartment was one of two one room apartments in the building. Right across the hall from where my door stood silently, was the neighbor's door who also stood silently. I never got to talk to the neighbor, but from what I can infer he is a Indian guy with a British accent who is studying at the college not to far from here. All that is really in the building besides my room and his, is stairs that lead right down to the front door (Which is stupid to have so close. The front door is glass and if someone were to trip down the steps, that door may just be a goner.), and a small bathroom to the right of the front door. 

I walked down the creaky old steps and made sure to put one foot on the one in front of me before I put both feet on one step because the owner warned if I didn't, the steps and I would be paying the consequences. But especially me. 

I got to the bottom of the steps and opened the front door. I took a step outside and the ten o' clock breeze greeted me. I walked to the alley besides my apartment where a huge dumpster sat. I was always afraid of the alleyway, but what was going to happen? If some gang member shot me or a hobo attacked me, I might have just thanked them.
I opened the black hatch that was gooey with God knows what, and tossed my carton in. I dropped the lid like a hot potato and brushed my hands off of goo with my pants. Then I walked back out to the front of my building and walked around in a circle in the over growing grass. 

After walking in circle long enough to satisfy myself, I relaxed my shoulders from stress, made sure only grass was behind me, stretched out my arms, and fell backwards into the grass and weeds. A dandelion flew up and all the little white particles flew away in the night sky. I wish I could be one of those weed seeds. So beautiful, so elegant, so graceful, able to float where ever it desires and go find a place it wants to live forever.

The crickets' chirps allowed me to close my eyes and forget about where and who I was. It was so peaceful, my soul allowed me to be anyone I wanted for a short period of time. And I was anyone but myself. I was someone who could travel the world and see everything wonderful, and grand in the world for a split second. I inhaled and exhaled steadily and focused on my breathing. The rhythm of my breath was slowly pulsing blue rings that filled the darkness with color, and my heart steadied. 

I deeply inhaled and exhaled once more before I was snapped back into reality. My eyes opened to see the sky, too cloudy to see stars. Tonight even the sky was covered up in gloom, and I understood it's pain. But that was okay. It just helped me realize the sky and myself could be similar. And the clouds could always float away, they aren't stitched there permanently. 

I stood up and let out a sigh. I had a schedule to keep, and I wasn't going to break it.

Niall's P.O.V

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