Chapter: 6 Just Haven't Met You Yet

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Samantha's P.O.V

The whole day was very boring. I got breakfast around 10am, I took a nap, got up for lunch at 12pm, watched whatever I could find on the basic cable channels, casually chatted with that nurse again (still don't know her name), took a walk around the building, read a magazine from the lobby downstairs, and had dinner and spent the rest of the evening watching TV. You ever have the kind of day where you feel like you did nothing productive? That was me today, and I know, I did nothing with my time. Like I really ever do though. 

It was 11:20 pm at night. I mindlessly watched this show about the history of fur trade until I heard a knock on my door. 

My heart stopped for a split second. This was bound to be the person that changed the outcome of my life. Oh god. That nurse said it was a dude, right?
Oh no, what if he is hot? I can't speak to people I find attractive. Or what if he is some old creep? He will scare me stalker or not. What if he gave me CPR...? I don't even want to think about it.

"Come in!" I said in a sweet sounding voice. I quickly shifted positions in my hospital bed so I was sitting up and looking healthy enough for anyone who saw me. The door clicked and unlocked. Behind it appeared a nurse in pink scrubs with a clipboard in her hand. She saw me looking at her and smiled. Everyone here was so friendly. It could make a person sick. And they are already in the hospital. 

She turned her head around facing out the door. "And 505! This is the room!" She cheerfully declared. She looked back at me. "Samantha, someone here wanted to pay you a visit..." She trailed off. He walked into the door frame, and into my eyesight. My brain gasped. 

He was about my age. He had blond hair that was pointed in every which direction, blue eyes that could stare through someone's soul, a thin pair of lips that weren't happy or sad, and it looked like he wore some make-up. He was fit, not exactly muscular, but was toned, he wore a green hoodie over a plain white-t and spotless black jeans, he had some pair of blue gym shoes. Needless to say, he looked hot.

This was going to be hard to talk to him. 

"Um, hi..." He said to me. 

"Hi," I said in return quietly.

The room stood still in silence (except from the TV). It was a little weird feeling. I shifted a little bit, clearly uneasily. "Well," The nurse said. "I think I will leave you two alone for the rest of the visit." The boy came forward a bit to get out of the way of the door, and the nurse closed the door behind her.

We just sat in silence again. The lack of voices filled the room and it made me feel very awkward.

"So," I said awkwardly nervous. I grabbed a side of the bed sheet in my hands and clenched to it like a baby. "Thanks by the way..." I said quiet, but loud enough to be heard by the human ear. 

He chucked (I don't know why, what did I do?!) slightly and then scratched the back of his neck nervously. "Well it was no problem." He said. "Not like helping you was not a problem, because it was but, um yeah." He puffed his cheeks with air and clapped his hands together. He released the air in his cheeks in a whistle through his mouth.

I giggled. "You seem nervous. Is this your first time meeting the person whom's life you saved?"

"Well sort of. I mean, I didn't think I saved your life. It wasn't that serious..." He paused. "I mean it was serious and all, but I didn't think I saved your life."

I giggled again, only this time louder. "You saved my life and I am eternally grateful." I said quoting Toy Story. I stuck my hand out with some courage. "I'm Samantha, but you might have already known that."

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