Chapter: 18 I Would

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Niall's P.O.V.

 I had no trouble convincing my mother to let me have a guest over. Actually, I didn't even have to convince her, she was thrilled to have a friend of mine come over for Christmas, especially a girl. I had asked her in the car on the way home, and she was electrified with the idea. She asked me to tell her all about this girl Samantha, so she would know a little of what she is like before she met her.

I decided not to lie or hold back, because this was my mum who was wondering about someone she had already agreed to let stay in her house. I think she had every right to know how I met Samantha and what she has been through. So I told my mum how I saw her tumble out the door, blood stained shirt, and knocked out. I mentioned calling for help and going with her to the hospital. How management was filled with anger, how I felt the need to call and tell her about it, but I decided against it for the privacy sake of Samantha. How I couldn't get the event out of my mind and had to schedule something with the hospital so I could meet her and tell her what happened from my perspective. 

I told her about the months in the hospital, and how I bought her a phone and paid her bills. How much I worried about her, and how we developed a bond while she was in the insane asylum. I also felt compelled to tell her that she is as far from depressed as a person could be, because it was the truth and if she wasn't, my mum would be scared for my friend's safety at the house. I described how we video chatted almost everyday, and how close we have become. I told what she likes, what she doesn't like, what she looks like, and everything I could think of. When I was finally done, my mum gave me a side hug in the car.

"You've got a big heart Niall." She patted my shoulder briefly, then put both her hands back on the wheel. "I think this girl could use a family Christmas with us."

"Thanks mum for letting her stay with us. I know it means a lot to her, and it also means a lot to me."

"Niall, it would my pleasure to have her over. I just refurbished the guest room too, she would be the perfect first guest for it."

"Then where will dad sleep when he comes over?" I asked her, slightly laughing.

"Well, he can sleep on the couch in the basement, or he can get a room at The Greville Arms Hotel not terribly far away."

I laughed. "Really?"

"Do I sound like I'm joking?" She smiled, but still said it in a serious voice. 

I gave her one more good laugh before returning back to the subject. "So when should I get her over here?"

She thought about it. "I really don't know, but it is really getting close to Christmas now, so you might want to do it before December 25th."

I smiled. "Yeah, that is what I was thinking. But I mean, I was planning on paying for her plane fair since she is still rather tight on money, so I kind of need to know when to get her a ticket."

She looked at me with a big smile. "Niall that is so sweet of you. But since she is my guest do you think I could buy her a ticket?"

I shook my head. "Mum you've got a big heart." I copied her tone. "But I feel the need to buy it. Besides I have the money from work."

"Oh yes, yes I know Niall." She said. "But you work very hard for all that money, and you should spend it how you want too. I can pay for her airline fair."

"Mum, what I want to do with my money is help her out. Let me pay for it." We were beginning to reenact what we do when we receive the bill at restaurants now a days. Always arguing over who should pay for things was kind of a headbutting battle we often take part in when we are together. 

She tisked. "Niall, Niall, Niall..." She said. "I'll cut you a deal since plane tickets aren't exactly cheap. I'll buy her a ticket for the plane coming here, and you can pay for the ride back, okay?"

I put my hands in the air. "Okay, good enough."

"Thank you Niall." She adressed me. "As soon as we get home I will get on the internet and find out the flights for Saturday. I want to meet this girl soon."

I agreed. I wanted my mum to meet her too, the sooner the better. "That should give her enough time to buy presents and find a way off work for a while."

My mum suddenly looked at me with shock. "Are you making her buy us presents?"

"No! No!" I defended. "She really wants to buy everyone something since she doesn't go shopping often. She wants to do it mum, I didn't make her."

"Aw," my mother expressed. "I don't even know her yet and she is already has such a sweetheart."

"Yeah, she is even using the only extra money she has for it." I told her. "She told me she was originally saving up for a room renovation, but she would rather buy you all a gift."

My mum suddenly turned to look at me, and slapped my shoulder slightly. "Niall!" She raised her voice. "You should have stopped her from doing that!"

"I tried to mum!" I said and she chuckled. "But she demanded she would."

She sighed and shook her head. "The poor thing. She only has so much money, and rather then use it on herself she goes and buys us stuff." She smiled though. "You know what this means right? This means not only am I going to buy her a nice present, but I'm calling you father to make him buy a present for the girl."

I laughed. "Really mum?"

"Yes really." She said as we finally turned on to the street where my home was. "The lazy man doesn't have to buy me anything ever, so the one thing he could do is buy a nice present for a girlfriend of his son."

My eyes suddenly bulged out of their sockets and I had a shocked happy face. "Girlfriend mum? Really?"

"Niall you know what I meant. I meant that as in a girl who is your friend. Not someone who you are dating, Jesus calm down."

I laughed and looked up at the roof of the car. "Did you hear that Jesus? Calm down!"

My mother reached over and slapped my chest. "Oh hush. Stop twisting my words or else you will sleep on the street tonight."

I laughed. "Isn't that child abuse?"

She shook her head and turned into the driveway of our flat. "You aren't a child legally anymore. I can treat you like a homeless man if I want too."

"You would really do that?" She nodded and parked the car. "Really?" Doubt filled my voice.

"You should know by now I would." She assured me.

"That means you can't pop in if I video chat with Samantha tonight."

She suddenly sat perfectly silent and still. She thought about it for a while before popping open the door on her side and clicking the other doors unlocked. "Alright, you don't have to sleep on the street. At least not tonight."

I laughed and opened my door. "Yay." I declared very un-enthusiastically. 

We both got out of the car and we unlocked the trunk. I got my stuff out, and we went inside. When the front door was opened, I got a whiff of the sweet smell of home. The kind of scent you know you and your family must smell like, and you only can smell it once you've been away from were you live for a long time. It filled my nostrils with memories and comfort. Like pie. 

I threw my luggage into my room, not bothering to even unpack it. I only ran in, threw my stuff in there, and closed the door. I jogged to the den were my mum was already lounging on the Lazy Boy, and got out my phone. I sat down on the couch and begin to text Samantha asking if she wanted to Skype. Not 10 seconds later, I heard the sweet sound of an incoming Skype call. I smiled at the fact of how quick it was. I answered and was greeted by a smiling girl. We greeted each other, and I made no pause in telling her how soon she was coming over. 

Exactly what I said: "Hey, you have two days to pack up! We are getting you by Saturday night, wink, wink." I narrated when I winked. She was shocked, but excited to already start the packing process.

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