Chapter: 42 Baby Please Don't Go

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Niall's P.O.V.

I couldn't stop thinking about her. Halfway through little things, I couldn't help but think of Samantha. I missed her so much. I am in so much misery from what I have done to myself and her. I feel so bad for leaving her like I did. It wasn't right, but I still assure myself it was for the best. If I had not done that, I would think harassment towards her would only increase.

I managed to finish the song all in one piece. The song really often reminded me of her, and how she was so insecure sometimes. She wasn't comfortable with herself, and while many girls aren't, she was always bashing herself. Whenever I complimented her looks or her adittude, she didn't accept the compliment, rather she denied it. She never believed she was truly beautiful or talented. Everything she hated about herself, was something to love. It was sad she couldn't see herself in my eyes then and now. And here I go again, thinking about her. I better stop before I get into some trouble again.

We were mid show, and that meant a wee break. That made me glad, because I had to go really bad. So Liam announced a quick pee break was in order, and that the band would narrate a song without us. We would be back before the end and that was a promise. So, as the band began to play, we set down our microphones, and took off in different directions off stage.

I found the first available portalet, and jumped in before any other guy could pounce me. I locked it, and turned around. I quickly let out my leak because I do not like these portable toilets. They scare me. I emptied out, and zipped up. Then, I unlocked and got out. I don't know if I was the first one done, but I definitely wasn't the last. So I ran back to the direction I had came to get back on stage. I jogged, and then I found the curtain. I was just about to reappear on stage when a person from security stepped in front of me. "Niall." She said oddly sad.

"What's wrong Carol?" I asked her. She had never really talked to me unless there was a minor emergency. Usually it was a case of a fainting fan, or a problem with something on stage that I should avoid.

She held out my phone with a look of concern. Carol was a badass woman for the most part. She spent some time as Irish pud sercruity, and even was a personal guard of the Paul Stanley. And God knows what kind of crazys that end up finding him. So of course, when she looks worried, I have good reason to believe something bad happened. "I hope you don't mind Niall, but I heard the message that this left you, and I thought you ought to hear it for yourself."

I gave her a concerned look. Was it Samantha? I tried to hope it only to be my mother telling me something about how she helped the elderly neighbor up from a fall. Or maybe something of that sort. "Can this wait Carol? I kind of need to get back out there."

She put the phone gently in my hand. "You can be a little late to the party lad." Then she backed away.
I unlocked my phone and straight away saw I had one miss call from... Elly-Ann. Oh shit. My heart started to race. She wasn't the kind to randomly call me wanting to chat. What if something happened to Samantha again? What if some kind of harassment thing hurt her again? I quickly took out my ear plugs, and began to listen to the voice message. I held it up to my ear and heard the panicked voice of my friend's friend, speak to me.

I could tell she was distraught. Her reaction was everywhere. From mad at me, to sad, to beggine me, and then back to being mad. It took me a little to process what she had just said after the message finished, but I went speechless. My mouth was tinted open in shock, and my eyes were wide. What had she done? No, no, no this wasn't good. She had overdosing? I shook my head. There was no way. No way in hell she would do this to herself. "Oh shit." I unintentionally said out loud. This isn't good. I let my phone drift out of my hand and smack the ground. I brought my hands up to my forehead and felt my face drop. My eyes sagged, and my nose densed with snot. Why would she do this? She couldn't. She wouldn't. "Shit." I said out loud again. I bent down with my hands still on my head. I buried my face. "Shit!" I yelled. I felt my eyes tear.

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