Chapter: 24 You and I

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Niall's P.O.V

"Niall, why did you park here?" Samantha asked. 

"I just remembered this place. I meant to show you it while you were here." I replied and took the keys out of the ignition. I popped the doors open and took off my seat belt. I began to step out the door when I saw Samantha had yet to move. I turned my head around. "You coming?"

She shook her head like she just woke up from a dream. "Um yeah, sure."
She unhooked her seat belt and slipped out the door. I jumped out and slammed the door shut. Samantha closed her door, and I locked the doors. I walked in front of the car and waited for Samantha who was as slow as a slug to join me at the front of the car. 

When she finally approached me, I raised an eyebrow. "You okay?" 

"Oh yeah I'm fine," she hastily replied. "I'm just a little tired."

I nodded and began to walk in front of me. "Follow me. I wanna show you something."

I walked on the tiny dirt path that separated the field from completely meeting it's counterpart. The tiny dirt patch was no bigger then a house cat sprawled across the floor, making it hard to not hit the tall grass and weeds surrounding it. When I was littler, and the grass was only about 4 feet tall, I could dodge running into the weeds sticking out over my head. But now, it is near impossible to dodge any grass draping down on your head. 

I turned around after a while of walking and looked back for Samantha. I saw her, but she was lacking pretty far behind. I sighed, and stopped walking, waiting for her to catch up. Not only was her slug imitation slowing me down, but if someone were to pop out of this grass and kidnap one of us, the other would never make it to the rescue being so far away. She finally managed her way up to me though. "You should keep up. I don't wanna lose you in the grass."

She shook her head and put her hand to her hand. "Yeah sorry, like I said I'm just too tired to be doing this." 

"When then stop being tired." I said sarcastically.

"Gee okay I will." She folded her arms and smiled. 

I smiled, and turned back to the path to walk further down. I looked down occasionally to make sure I was still on the path, and every now and then I would spin my head around to make sure Samantha was still there also. More grass attacked my face, and the path became less and less. The narrower the path got, the harder it was to walk normally, and soon I had to bend down and hug one side of the grass just so both feet where on the path. At one particular part were the grass was starting to grow on the path, I had to lift up my arms and walk through the waistline grass just so I could feel where the path was. I managed my way out of the patch, and looked behind me to see Samantha not yet in the patch overtaking the path. I shook my head and sighed. She was being too slow.

So I walked back through the patch of high grass and met Samantha on the other end. "What?" She questioned me when I faced her.

"You're slow."

"Well duh. Like I said I'm a little-"

"Yeah yeah, a little tired. That isn't an excuse for going so slow." I nagged. Without thinking instinct grabbed her hand with mine. I connected my palm to hers, and I secured my fingers between hers. She looked down in horror at it, and I smiled. I swung around, her hand still in mine, and led her through the tall grass patch. 

We made it through, and I never let go of her frail hand. We walked on, me dragging her behind. We passed through a grass arch and went past the old hand tree. Finally, that's when I could see our destination. My eyes tingled at the sight of it. It brought back memories to be here, and it was wonderful to be back. I didn't tell Samantha, but I knew that's where we were going.

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