Chapter: 29 Dazed and Confused

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Samantha's P.O.V.

It is Niall's last day in New York today. It is also the last day I will see Niall for a very long time. Who knows? Maybe It will be next year, or later before I can even see him in person again. So of course, I had to do a little something with him before he leaves. And I know just the place to go. Now, most people probably think of pizza when they think famous food in New York, and while pizza here is amazing, the bagels and cragels are even better. I know Niall probably hasn't had many bagels here, so this was a good opportunity to take him to a place literally close to home known as The Bagel Store. I was sure any date involving food would be awesome for Niall, and for once my planning skills would be acceptably great.

The date will also give me time to ask just what we are, and what we are to do in this 'relationship'. Funny, I don't even know what to call our current status. But today, hopefully I can find out with the help of Niall. He leaves later tonight, so I better get out the things I want to say now, or else I will have to ask over Skype, which just seems awkward not saying it in person. The clock stroke one, so I finished getting ready and started to walk down to The Bagel Store. It was quite a walk, but it wasn't more than thirty minutes. I got to the store with time to spare so I just took in the atmosphere. The sweet smell of Brooklyn shit in the streets, the scenic view of bumper to bumper traffic, the feeling of air pollution in my lungs, and the faint smell of piss signaling a subway opening near by. Despite how I described the area, and believe me it is all true, I really love it here. I don't think any New Yorker can imagine living any place else even though we all constantly bitch about the city. I found myself staring at some cars in the street. I was looking in their windows just catching glimpses of their life. It is kind of fun to imagine what is happening in their life. Until they feel the stare and look back at me, then I pretend I was never looking through their windows. Maybe that's what a lot of people nowadays prefer deeply tinted windows.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. Which, startled me at first, when I looked at the person who had done it, I smiled. "Well hello there," I greeted him.

"Hiya!" He exclaimed. "I didn't have to bring any security guards this time. Yayyyy!"

I giggled. "You're oddly excited Niall. It's only bagels."

"I know, but I like food." He gave a cheeky little grin.

I laughed once more. "Oh. So you came today to get food and nothing else?"

"Yeah pretty much," he said.

I put on a fake pouty lip. "Aw. So you don't like me anymore?"

"Where would you get that idea?" His voice cracked a little, probably due to his excitement. "I came to see you too. But, I need food. I am hungry."

"Okay," I sighed playfully. "Let's go get you food."

"Yay!" He cheered as we walked into the building. The door dinged when I opened it, and when it opened, the fumes poured into my nostrils, filling me with life. The inside was always so colorful and full of life, it made me feel good to be in there. The store actually wasn't as busy as it normally is, but that's not saying no one was in their.

I leaned over to Niall at my side. "Look at the menu from afar and decide what you want. Or else people behind the counter will scream and so will the people in line behind you." I whispered just a tip of advice.

He looked at me with an eyebrow raised. "Wow. New Yorkers are friendly people."

I shrugged. "They aren't that bad. I mean once you get pass all the true rude stereotypes."

He chuckled. He put a finger on his chin and looked at the menu. He really seemed to be concentrating on what he wanted in a bagel. His eyes squinted, and his nose crinkled like a dog. I almost laughed at his face, but I contained myself. His cheeks sucked in a little, and just as temptation had settled in to poke his cheeks, he turned to me.
"I'm thinking the everything bagel. What'ca think?" He asked turning to me.

Finding a Happy Ending (Niall Horan Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz