Chapter: 19 For the First Time in Forever

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Samantha's P.O.V.

I had two bags. One slung around my shoulder much like a purse, with the other one on wheels, dragging behind me. All the presents were stuffed inside my long gym bag that banged against my side with a great deal of force. All unwrapped, I decided to make it easier for travel I would quickly buy some wrapping paper when I arrived there. 

Over the past two days, I couldn't stop thinking about my trip. It was going to be the first time out of the country, and my first Christmas to actually celebrate. At work, I think I was a little bit of a horrible waitress lately since it was all that was on my mind. I often found myself stuttering to gets words out, taking long pauses to remember what to say, and the one occasion, I actually tripped on air and split a few drinks on some man's back. He took it well at least, but I felt horrible. The next day after I was told by Niall I would be going on Saturday, I talked to my boss about vacation time, or even taking off time without pay the next morning. Being a very generous and understanding boss, after I explained that I was visiting 'family' far away (okay, I kind of exaggerated, saying they were family, but I need the time off), he approved the usage of all the vacation time I could have this year to be used up. Ranking to about a week and a half.

I shook his hand and thanked him many times over, because usually companies don't give such new employees almost the full time off once they have joined after July. But he is a very understanding man, and he said as long as I work around two hours longer each day (getting the slight pay increase of course) I could deserve my extended time off. I worked my brains out, and then a bit farther, taking on more time and tables. But, as I cruised through the airport, I forgot all about the exhaust of the past two days, and just thought about what was ahead.

It was a little intimidating at the airport for the second time. The first time being yesterday when I got a passport ahead of time. I had to be so observant, and watch everyone around me. Some people actually scared me, thinking they were terrorist, and then I began thinking about the possibility of getting on a plane with a terrorist. It really scared me more then anything else. I didn't even really think of the possibility of crashing, I only worried about people. I passed through the security checkpoints after about an hour of waiting for them all to be tested on me. I was tired enough, making me wait in line at seven in the morning, bored, wasn't helping. But, I passed each one, so at least no one thought that I was a terrorist. 

My second worry was finding my gate and where to put my luggage. What if I got on the wrong plane? Or I put my luggage somewhere weird and not even on a conveyor belt? Actually, I was worried for nothing as it all turned out to be easy. I found where to put my luggage, and I stuck a label on each bag to make sure it was getting on the right plane. My bags even had to go through a security test, making sure there were no bombs in it or anything like that. Needless to say, it was jaw dropping how much you and your things had to get through just to go on an airplane.
What if they start doing this before you get on the bus one day?

Finally, I was able to approach my gate. I found a big board with a ton of listings and gate directions, so I could follow the arrow and find flight 18. I got to the gate after a while of fighting the early morning crowd, and showed the attendant my I.D, boarding pass, and passport. I almost had no I.D, but I remembered I did get my driver's license not too long ago. I just never needed to use it since I was always taking the bus. So I scrambled to find it last night, before I found it in a pickle jar under my bathroom sink. After a good ten minutes of checking me and my stuff on her computer, the attendant allowed me to board, giving me back my things. Finally, I could get on the actual stupid plane.

I went down a narrow hallway, was directed by a few people were to go, and climbed up the stairs of the airplane. I hadn't felt any nervous fear in my body until I sat down in my seat. I buckled up, and readied myself for my first time in the air ever, when I got this nauseous feeling. I started feeling a little sick, feeling like the plane was already moving. I knew I was just over worrying myself, but I had a stomach ache that made me feel so bad I could assure you my face was pale green. I just tried not to think about puking and the stomach ache by distracting my mind with imaginations of Christmas time. It worked fairly well for a while, until that is, the door to the plane closed. Suddenly, it all came back.

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