Chapter: 37 Welcome to my Nightmare

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Samantha's P.O.V.

It is dark. I wave my hand in front of my face, but fail to see it. I am blind and lost. I'm actually not feeling too frightened, or at least, not yet. My sight may be awful right now, but I have so many other senses to rely on. I just haven't tried using them yet. I decided to start walking. I don't know where I am going, but I'm going to walk forward until there is something to be found.

The ground underneath me was not normal. I understood this when I started walking. It sunk down every time I took a step. It was alarming, and scary, but I wanted to keep walking. Something in my head told me to keep going.
I walked on when suddenly a sharp pain entered my foot and electricity went up my leg. I tried to let out a scream, but nothing came out. I wanted to sit down and cradle my poor foot, but I thought the floor would gobble me up, so I dared to bear the pain. I didn't stop to heal either, I thought I would sink if I did. The only way to describe the ground and what it felt like, was walking on a mattress, if that makes any sense. When you step on a mattress, you tend to sink down, or at least your feet do. That is what it felt like. Only, it felt like there was a quicksand effect to it. If I stood in one spot too long, I would start going under.

I kept walking, and eventually the pain just went away. That was odd considering I was walking on it. I thought that would make it feel worse. And as I was thinking about it, I ran into something big and made of cold stone. It hurt my nose and breats the most, but I could tell it was a wall. I wasn't expecting a wall to be here. I was thinking I was going to walk forever. I rubbed my nose and turned around. Where to now? As soon as I said that in my head, a blinding light flashed on. I put my hands up to block it. My eyes stung with pain when the beating hot light came on. Truly, I was blinded by the light.

"I want to play a game." I heard a mechanical voice call out. I was somehow expecting someone to say something, so I did not jump. The voice was mellow, and not demanding, so I was not scared by it. I blinked very fast in order to adjust my eyes to the light. Finally after I little rubbing, I managed to open them. And when I did, I was drawn aback. I swore I walked for a mile, and now I could see a wall not more than twelve feet away. Suddenly, there were walls all around me, tinted red. I was entrapped.

'What kind of game?' I tried to say, but nothing came out. I covered my mouth in horror and shock. Funny enough, I was scared that I could not speak, and instead not scared of where that voice was coming from. No one was in this little box with me.

"This, is a puzzle." The voice commented. He completely ignored my attempt to talk. You would think there would be an evil laugh, or a explanation of why my vocal cords aren't working, but nothing. Maybe this was just a robot. "Make one wrong step, and your fate will be chosen for you. If you manage to find the correct path, you can live. You now have ten minutes to pick your first move."

I heard a beep, and suddenly my heart stopped. What am I doing and why? My heart began to beat again, and I knew this was no time to ask questions. I needed to act. So, without thinking, I just took my first step outwards in the position that felt natural. The forward left. It seemed to work as I didn't blow up immediately. I held my breath, and finally I confirmed I had guessed right. What now? Do I go with what my gut tells me again? I couldn't think this too hard, I know, but I still needed to think about this. I gulped. Time to take my next step. I put my one foot out first, then followed it with my other. I closed my eyes and held my breath. Then, suddenly, I fell through the floor.

I tried to scream, but I couldn't manage. I felt like I was falling in open space, but I quickly changed my mind when my back hit what felt like an air vent. I fell and fell, faster and faster until everything stopped. "Welcome to the worst nightmare of all. Reality." Then the lights all came on again. Sort of.
I seemed to be sitting, unhurt and lucky to be alive. There was a ray of light beaming through the tiniest hole only big enough for another brick. In fact, another brick seemed to be the one missing part. Everywhere else around me in the cramp and claustrophobic room was brick. I could tell by the way the one hole and source of light showed the outlines of brick around the hole.

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