1/12/11. Wow. Life..

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So I had a bad day today. I come home all upset ( I'll tell you about that later), and I check my email, expecting to get one or two, but I got seventeen! To my immense joy and surprise, some incredibly nice wattpadder ( is that a word? If not, I'm making it one) commented on my story! All the way back to the first part! IT MADE MY LIFE!

Seriously, it made me incredibly happy, and I had to share it! So thank you, TeeHeeImBored, for making me feel better. I'm still trying to post often, and new readers make me incredibly happy. It's never too late to start a story! Speaking of which, why did you delete yours? I wanted to read it! If you write more, tell me! :D

On a completely unrelated note, this addition comes in three parts: first, my happy explosion in the first few paragraphs, second, some opinions about some... How do I say this in a politically correct way? Screw it, I'm gonna talk about gay people. Third, reasons why gym class is counterproductive, a word I learned from q comedian named Bo Burnham.

So here goes part 2, and please don't be offended. I'm only 14, and my opinions are based on my small amount of experience. So if anyone would like to correct some of my "knowledge" feel free. If you can defend your opinion, I would love to hear it. I'm gonna try my best to defend mine. As soon as I figure out what it is.

So here's the basis of this point: there is a group of seniors who sit in my first period until the bell rings to start class. They always block the door, so I have to walk through them to get to my seat. Today I saw one of them( the openly gay student body president) sitting on another guy's lap. It kinda freaked me out. And grossed me out. I know, if it was a straight guy it would only vaguely annoy me, and I'm being kinda prejudiced. But... I don't know. It just kinda creeped me out. As it would if it were two girls, but I've kinda gotten used to seeing a guy-girl couple all over each other, so, although that would have bothered me, it wouldn't have freaked me out.

I'm not homophobic. Gay people are fine. In fact, although I don't personally know any, I love gay character in books, movies, and tv. They are often the best characters. And o can watch two guys kiss on tv and go, awww! but seeing it in real life just makes it seem too real, I guess. So I'm not too sure how I feel about it. I'm a Christian, so I believe that it's wrong, but I'm not one to protest. They've heard all of the arguements, and they aren't gonna change, so let them be. I just don't know how to react if it's right in front of me.

I think the best solution would just be to have a zero tolerance policy for PDA. problem solved for now, and once I'm out of school, I will be able to handle it better.

Another thing, have you noticed how stereotypically popular gay guys are as teenagers? First, on degrassi, the gay one is the student president. Then on glee, Blaine, who is gay, is the leader of the glee club at his school, which is equivalent to a normal quarterback of a football team. Then in real life, both in 6 th grade and this year, two gay guys were elected the student president. Weird right? Hm.

Part three.

Nothing like gym class to make your blood boil. I hate gym. The teachers, the classmates, the sports, all of it. Today we were playing badminton ( not sure how to spell it, this is what my iPod autocorrected it to). He put us on teams of two, and I wanted to punch him in the face. Of course I, who cannot hit the birdie to save my life, got put with possibly the most athletic jerk in the class. So we get in a group of 3 pairs, and I get to sit out for a while. When it's time to switch and my turn to play, the idiots couldn't figure out that we had to stay on the same teams. So the coach come over and starts acting like I'm the stupid one! I have never had a teacher talk down to me before! I'm not stupid!

Then, it was almost time to go, and I was waiting to change out of my uniform, but instead he calls us over and talks for 5 minutes. Finally he tells us to go get dressed. At that moment, the bell rings. We all run to change and have to rush to class. It made me so mad.

Now I'm tired. But it feels really good to get it out. I might even write another section today. I have a lot of feelings today.

So thanks again TeeHeeImBored, and all of my other readers, and if you ever wanna talk, message me or put it in the comments. Advice would be good too. How did/do you survive gym?

Thank you all! I'll talk to you soon, maybe.:)

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