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I need to get this out while it's still fresh on my mind.

I'm talking to F5 again. A few minutes ago S came into my room and said that F3 posted on her facebook wall about how much she misses her. This wouldn't be a problem, except she didn't say anything to me.

It upsets me more than it should. It's just, a few days ago I told F3 how much I miss her, and miss talking to her. She always talked me through my rough spots. Now I can't do that. But I thought that I had reconnected with her a little. But I guess not.

I miss her so much.

To add insult to injury, when I told F5 about it he didn't even react. I mean, he is the only person I really talk to anymore. I told him that I feel like I don't have anyone I can talk to now, and he said that I can always talk to him, which made me feel better, and I have to give him credit for trying. But he doesn't seem to get that there's something I really, really need to talk about, and I just want him to listen. Everytime I start saying something serious he starts talking about the Grammys or something. But at least he's there, and he tries.

I just need someone to listen, and to understand how upset I am without judging.

F3 is pretty much the only person that know how upset I get. And she isn't there for me anymore. I feel so alone.

Sorry for dumping this on you guys. But thanks for listening. And in the next post I have some people to thank for the comments and messages. I just completely forgot this time, and I can't leave this page now to check for the names... But I will do it next time, I promise.


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