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This is just gonn be a short part, because I have to go visit my little sister at her school( my assigned little sister, not a real one... Did I ever mention her?). But I have to say some things.

First, I am so close to 1000 reads! Wow! Yay! It's awesome!

Second, I have two new people to thank! It's awesome, I've never had two at once before!

First is lionfreak, who left a nice comment! Thank you ! All opinions and comments are appreciated. They make me happy :) and this weekend I plan to start reading one of your stories! They all look good!

Second is likeyoucare, who actually dedicated a story to me! WOAH! that's a huge honor, to know that someone is reading. She is writing her own diary, so all of you who like reading mine should read hers too! From the first part it seems like she has a lot of the same feelings as I do.

To likeyoucare: keep writing! You mentioned that you want feedback, and I know it can be easy to get discouraged when people don't respond, but trust me, it will come. Just watch, these diaries are going to become a trend, and people will pay attention!

Also, I noticed that your name has as much meaning as mine. People do care. Even if they don't say it. I'm gonna keep reading your story.

So that's all for now.

Goodbye and thank you all!

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