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So yeah. No post this weekend. Sorry! High school can really mess up your schedule.

I'm gonna wait till a day when I have more time to write about my friends...

Today's topic: Harry Potter. Yes, I am obsessed.

For those if you who live under rocks, or in a different country maybe, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part one comes out this Friday morning. Unfortunatly I can't see it that day, because we have school, but I will go see it sometime next week! I can't wait!

In other Harry Potter knows, Harry freaking Potter was on Glee last week. (In case you don't know, Glee is a musical tv show that I normally can't stand, but has awesome guest stars) and no, I do not mean Daniel Radcliffe. I mean Darren Criss. Some of you may be confused as to how this applies to Harty Potter.

Go to YouTube

Type in A Very Potter Musical

And watch it. Now. It's awesome.

Seriously though, it's pretty amazing. Darren Criss plays Harry, and he is an amazing singer. Glee is so much better with him.

So how are you guys? Anything exciting? Anything you need to vent? I'm feeling pretty good, despite being up to my neck in homework.

New topic: anyone out there obsessed with anything? My obsession is musicals. First one I saw was Rent. The movie version, of course. I wouldn't given anything to see it live.

Anyone seen it? Or another musical? What's your favorite song?

And if you haven't, what's your favorite song in general?

Mine, at the moment, is Maybe, by sick puppies. Or firework by katie perry. I usually don't like her, but it's a good song. Oh, and teenage dream, the Darren criss version.

Again, thanks for reading! If u wanna talk about anything, leave a comment, and don't be afraid! All comments make me happy :)

One more thing: I don't know anything about copyright or anything, but please don't steal my thoughts! Not that any of you would :) I just don't want my life to end up in a movie or something :) but if you wanna do your own diary, I have no claim to that, so feel free! But tell me so I can return the favor and read yours too!

Bye!! Have a good week!

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