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Hey! Wassup? I'm really tired. Our neighbors had a party last night. I looked out my window at one o'clock and saw a huge limo in front of their house and music blasting. Not fun:/

I was kinda upset this morning. I had a dream last night that all my friends died. I texted them at 2:30 to see if they were ok, and no one responded. I think they're all ok, as far as I know. But F5 hadn't called since Tuesday and I was kinda worried.. But it's fine. We are watching the Grammys together over the phone. I didn't really wanna watch it, but he made me ;)

So are you guys ok? Need to talk about something? I don't want anything bad happening to anyone.

I was really scared when I thought something happened.

2hrs later

Sorry! I got distracted and realized I had homework. Sorry it's so short. I just wanted to write something. But I'm kinda out of time now.

I don't feel too good. I'm nervous about a class and I have some tests. I just feel upset. *commences pity party*

Anyway, happy almost valentines day. Ugh. It sucks.

That's about it. Goodbye, my friends.

Ps. Is it wrong for me to expect F5 to be less than happy when I say I have to hang up? I at least expected a good night...

One more thing! Sorry! I forgot to mention it! I think F6 is permanent. I talked to her Friday and we have a lot in common. Despite her being team Edward( I was team Jacob before I got out of that) and team gale (Peeta is obviously better). But still. We read a lot of the same books, which isn't common cuz a lot of my friends don't read. Anyway.

Goodnight, and goodbye.

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