Bonus Song: Where You Failed I'll Succeed

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Author's Note: This is not canon to the main plot but is a what if of Steven and Momswap Steven meeting each other.

Song Title: Where You Failed I'll Succeed

Based On: You're Nothing Without Me (City of Angels)

Momswap Steven sings the first few lines, opening strong, "You are some shatterer,
Just like Pink Diamond.
Well I didn't crack a single Gem!
So you can go strait to Hell!

Tell me is it lonley,
Out on the road across the country?
I fought the Diamonds!
And came out still breathing!

For you I'll spell out,
What separates you and me.
Where you didn't see a doctor until you were 16,
I got my issues diagnosed way early."

Steven retorts, offended, "You are just jealous,
Of my track record!
Momswap let's look back at,
Your feeble hack record!

Kidnapped multiple times,
Mentally unstable!
Plotted to shatter,
And when you faced White you fought with fists over words!

You are guided by aggression!
While I an guided by love.
You lead a violent rebellion!
While I reformed Homeworld with my tounge!"

Both sang at each other, insulted by their counterpart, "Where you failed,
I'll succeed!
The fallout of your solution,
Cannot be denied!

The problems your universes faces,
In mine don't exist!
That is how I know,
I was right!

A coward!
Half and half,
Trauma and love!

Your version of the gems,
Would agree!
I will succeed,
Where you fall!"

Momswap Steven counters, "You are thick headed!
Living out of a van!
I'm faring better!
Teaching at Little Homeschool."

Steven smiles and retorts, "It's still my plotline!
I'm the classic and better!
You had to adapt!
When my show revealed our genetic mother!"

Momswap Steven retorts, "You arrogant little prick!
You don't have any shame!"

Steven replies, "Hey, I'm moving on with my life!
While most people don't know your name!

Is it Steven Beta Universe? Steven Diamond Universe? Who cares! You're just a fanfic that will never be as big as me!"

Both sang, becoming sadder in the last few lines, "Where you failed,
I'll succeed!
Because you didn't do,
A good job!

Your choice with White Diamond,
I cannot condone!
I'm seeing that I do it right,
In my timeline here!

A coward!
You're a weird mesh of trauma,
And love!

I'm everything you always wanted to be!
So why is it that I keep on regretting!
Neither of us happy,
So you I wish I could be!

But in the end,
I'll succeed,
Where you,

Steven Universe: Mom Swap AUWhere stories live. Discover now